
If you are a bodybuilder, you probably want to build your muscle mass fast. You will therefore be keen and anxious to spot any changes when accessing your progress. But, it might take longer to achieve your bodybuilding goals without a good bodybuilding supplement.

Looking for the best supplements can be challenging because every manufacturer claims that theirs is the best. One of the best bodybuilding supplements you will come across is the Ibutamoren MK-677.

Since manufactured products contain chemicals and some ingredients that are dangerous to the body, you want to do your due diligence before taking them. Our detailed review of the MK-677 ibutamoren will teach you its usage, the correct dose, the product’s side effects, and the best places to buy it.

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What Is Ibutamoren?

Ibutamoren, also known as MK-677, is a bodybuilding supplement with the Growth Hormone Secretagogue (GHS). This product stimulates the growth hormone (GH) and insulin.

Once taken, ibutamoren mimics the effects of ghrelin, a hormone produced in the stomach to signal the brain that you are hungry. This occurs as a result of the supplement’s interaction with a brain region known as the ghrelin receptor (GHSR).

The release of ghrelin enhances hunger. However, the part of the brain that houses ghrelin receptors is not responsible for hunger alone. It also regulates other body’s emotional states like mood and pleasure.

Therefore, besides increasing the urge to eat, ibutamoren could also affect your mood and pleasure. Other affected functions are memory and cognition. Because it might gradually boost other hormones like cortisol, some people are dubious about this bodybuilding supplement.

Cortisol is a hormone in the human body that alters immune system responses. It also slows the digestive system and wound healing and could affect learning and memory. Due to these undesirable reactions of MK-677, it is advisable to take it in the right doses.

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What Is Ibutamoren Used For?

Ibutamoren MK-677 is famous for its benefits. Most people use this supplement to increase their bone density, improve sleep, as an anti-aging product, and reduce muscle wasting.

Here is a deeper explanation of the uses of ibutamoren.

1. Build Muscles

As a bodybuilder who wants to see fast results, you won’t regret using MK-677. Once taken, this supplement stimulates the production of Growth Hormone and IGF-1. IGF-1 manages the effects of growth hormone, which promotes the growth of bones and tissues.

Growth Hormone also enhances an increase in muscle size, hence an increase in strength in the thighs. However, you must put in some work for the MK-677 to work. Ensure you exercise regularly.

Also, note that the results of this supplement are different for different people. It depends on your exercise, diet, and health conditions.

2. Increase Bone Mass

Besides building the muscles, MK-677 helps to increase bone mineral density. These are the long-term effects of the supplement. Increase in bone mineral density benefits seniors, obese people, and women undergoing menopause.

However, if you use ibutamoren for bone strength, ensure you research the long-term side effects first. This is because you must use the supplement for over a year for these effects to show.

3. As An Anti-Aging Substance

Just like the other hormones in the body, the production of the Growth Hormone reduces as you grow older. This leads to loss of muscle mass, which is one symptom of aging. However, since taking MK-677 enhances the production of the Growth Hormone, you will have few or no signs of aging.

Therefore, besides increasing their bone mineral density, this supplement can benefit aged adults by making them look younger. It also increases the growth rate of young adults by rejuvenating the Growth Hormone.

4. Used To Improve Muscle Recovery

Reduced proteins in your diet cause muscle wasting. Since ibutamoren promotes protein synthesis, it helps with muscle recovery. In research to determine if MK-677 can reverse protein catabolism, the results were positive. They confirmed that the supplement could positively affect people with metabolic issues.

5. Improve Sleep

Have you been struggling with insomnia and getting little to no sleep? MK-667 can help because it is famous for improving sleep. Once you take the product, it boosts Growth Hormone production, improving sleep quality.

For the substance to work perfectly in improving your sleep, take it an hour before bed. You will notice some changes after two weeks.

6. Reduce Body Fat

Another fact ibutamoren is known for is reducing body fat. The Growth Hormone acts on two enzymes; Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL), which control the breakdown of triglycerides into fatty acids. This reduces obesity.

However, ibutamoren MK-677 gives different results to different people. This is due to the difference in body chemical composition and a person’s health condition. Also, since taking too much of this substance has side effects, you must know the correct dosage.

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Ibutamoren Mk-677 Dosage

MK-677 is one of the most abused drugs. People take high amounts to gain body mass faster, but this might not work. It is important to note that Growth Hormone production does not increase overnight. It might take many weeks to see any changes, so you must be patient and take the product for an extended time.

If you take MK-677 in cycles of 16 weeks to 20 weeks, 25mg is enough quantity. You can take a 5-week break and continue with your cycle again. Most users who follow this cycle get good results from the supplement.

If you are starting your intake, start with a lower dosage of 15mg daily. You should take it in the morning as you take breakfast or after breakfast until your body gets used. This can go for about one week.

After that, start taking the product twice a day. Take two capsules of 15mg in the morning and before going to bed. If you have used other supplements before and did not experience side effects, starting your Ibutamoren dosage with two capsules of 15mg daily is safe.

When starting, take the product for 8-12 week cycles and a 4-week break. However, there are restrictions on who should use the supplement. For example, people under 21 years and pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid MK-677.

Butamoren Side Effects

most manufactured products, especially supplements and medicine, have side effects, and ibutamoren is not an exemption. However, people experience the side effects differently. Some of the effects to expect are;

If you struggle with appetite, increased appetite caused by ibutamoren is a positive side effect for you. However, obese people who use the supplement to burn fat are disadvantaged by this side effect.

Luckily, you can manage your appetite even when taking ibutamoren. Ensure you take the right dosage before going to bed. If you want to eat more, take the capsule in the morning. However, the side effect reduces once your body gets used to it.

If you are experiencing water retention while taking ibutamoren, do not panic because this is a common side effect. However, not everyone experiences water retention. It mainly affects people who drink little water or are taking too much sodium in their diet.

Therefore, to reduce water retention during your intake cycles, ensure you take lots of water and reduce the amount of salt in your food. You should also focus more on healthy foods. The side effect will also resolve as your body gets used to the supplement.

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Ibutamoren Mk-677 Before And After

Although your biggest desire is probably getting bigger muscles, these are not the first results you will get. In the first two weeks of taking ibutamoren MK-677, you will notice increased sleep quality, a benefit worth noting.

If you are keen on your hair and skin, you will also notice an improvement in their quality. Your strands will grow longer, and the nails too. So be sure to look nice after your nail and hair appointments.

By the time you hit week 10, you will start noticing some changes in the body. This includes fat loss and lean muscle gains, and now you can smile. Taking pictures before starting your ibutamoren journey and photographs each week of MK-677 will help you notice the changes.

However, these results won’t be there for everybody. It depends on your body’s chemical composition and the extra effort you put in, like exercising. Your diet should also be healthy to get good results.

Where To Buy Ibutamoren?

It is unsafe to buy the supplement from a random shop with an ‘MK-677 butamoren for sale banner. Some of these products are not genuine and could contain low-quality ingredients and chemicals. Your body reacts to these chemicals, and worse enough, they could cause death.

Therefore, you must buy Ibutamoren from trusted retailers. When buying, consider a company that is 3rd party tested for purity. Also, choose one that has a money-back guarantee, like Crazybulk.

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1. Does Ibutamoren Affect Other Hormones?

Ibutamoren intake affects mood, pleasure, memory, and recognition hormones. It does not affect Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Leutenising hormone, but some studies show that it affects testosterone levels.

2. What Are The Benefits Of Ibutamoren

MK-677 Has Many Benefits Like;

3. Are There Long-Term Effects?

There are general side effects of taking ibutamoren. The long-term side effects of these supplements are mainly caused by poor dosage, which leads to high levels of Growth Hormone.

MK-677 Review – Final Words

Ibutamoren MK-677 is a supplement containing the Growth Hormone Secretagogue. It stimulates growth hormone production and IGF-1, leading to increased muscle mass, decreased body fat, and improved sleep. The product is not FDA approved, has some side effects, and should not be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

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