
As a result of the clarion call for ‘Atmanirbhar Bahrat’ given by Hon’ble Prime Minister, the Dop, GoI notified scheme for setting up 3 Bulk Drug Parks. Under
the dynamic leadership of Hon’ble Chief Minister, Sh. Jai Ram Thakur, the State Government submitted a highly competitive bid proposal. On August 30, 20022,
the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP), GoI gave ‘in-principle approval’ for setting up Bulk Drug Park in Una to Himachal Pradesh.

Immediately, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Sh. Jai Ram Thakur directed the Principal Secretary (Ind.) and Director of Industries to prepare the DPR in accordance with
the scheme guidelines and submit the same to the DoP, GoI within the stipulated time period of 90 days. Despite being a highly technical Mega Project, Director
of Industries, Sh. Rakesh Prajapati along with his team managed to prepare the Detailed Project Report in a record time of less than 15 days and submitted it
today to the State Government. The Capital Cost of the project is around ₹1923 Cr., out of which the Grant-in-aid from GoI is ₹1000 Cr. The government will
provide the balance funds amounting to ₹923 Cr for the Park.

In this Mega Project, the Common Infrastructure Facilities such as Steam Plant with a capacity of 300 TPH, Power Infrastructure with 120 MW capacity, Water
infra along with a water reservoir having capacity pf 15 MLD, Solvent Extraction Plant, Common Effluent Plant with Zero Liquid Discharge catering to chemical
discharge of 5 MLD etc. will be of reducing the initial capital cost of manufacturing units in the Park. All the affairs of this park (Construction, Implementation,
O&M) will be undertaken by the State Implementation Agency (SIA). It is worthwhile to mention that the Department of Industries has proposed in the park
6 multi fuel boilers for generation of Steam to meet out the steam demand and will also produce additional 36 MW of power.

Expressing his pleasure on timely submission of the DPR of the Bulk Drug Park, Sh. Jai Ram Thakur, Chief Minister said, “It is indeed commendable that the State
Government on its own has been able to prepare the DPR for this project of National Importance in the State. The DPR will be evaluated and sent to Govt
India very soon.” He further shared that there is an expected investment for Bulk Drug Park is ₹ 50,000 Cr. in and outside the park with an expected employment
opportunities of around 30000 persons. This Park will provide huge impetus to socio-economic development for the entire region and will not only meet the API
demand of the pharma industry of the State but also cater to the demand of the Pharma across the country. Keeping in mind the demand of skilled manpower for
the Bulk Drug Units in the Park, Center of Excellence has been provisioned in the Park and a Satellite Center of NIPER wherein Research & Development
activities will be undertaken.

The Director of Industries shared that big Pharma companies have already evinced interest in setting up units in the Bulk Drug Park and the State Delegation will
be meeting entrepreneurs in Hyderabad, Mumbai and Ahmedabad under the planned Investment Outreach Program very soon.


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