
Here’s a recap of life lately, including a sleepover at the grandparents’ house!

My in-laws are avid gardeners and live just south of Cville in North Garden, VA. We’ve been enjoying their heirloom tomatoes, zucchini, squash, eggplant, beans, peppers, and greens this summer! Birch and I spent the night at their house last weekend, and John gave me a garden tour in the morning.

There was a baby bunny hiding in the squash plants when we first walked out.

Remember the youthful bear that was on their deck? He/she actually jumped this fence that night too!

When we went out in the misty morning for the garden tour, I kept my bear dog close by 🙂

The morning haul!

Just The Two Of Us

Thomas was out of town for the weekend having some guy time, and Mazen was with his dad and then having his own sleepover at his BFF’s house (they camped out in the yard!) So it was just Birch and me for the weekend.

We read lots of Finding Bigfoot (it’s a search-and-find like Where’s Waldo for little kids)

We had a spa night on Friday.

Shark robe from Costco – it used to be Mazen’s!

These blocks my mom got are great!!

Saturday Oatmeal

PEACH SEASON!!! Peaches are one of my all-time favorite fruits!

We’ve been watching this mushroom family grow in the yard. And unlike most plants, these double in size each day. They are incredible! They last about 5 days and then die. Does anyone know what kind they are? I heard they are poisonous to dogs, and Gus can’t reach them.

Saturday morning we walked downtown to the farmer’s market to pick up a few things, and we shared a lavender lemonade.

And then we went by the toy store! I spoiled B with a new puzzle to entertain us all weekend.

We got this pirate puzzle and he LOVES it!

We also went by The Pie Chest to pick up some desserts to take to North Garden, and I got one of their egg, feta, and spinach hand pies to have for my lunch!

Heading To North Garden

B and I packed up the car and went down to North Garden for the night! Nona and Grandpa invited us to keep us company, and it was a lovely little escape to the country! Plus cousin Nash was there to play!

We had amazing weather and watched the men put up a new zipline!!

Nash gave it a good test run!! Birch isn’t quite old enough to want to try.

Sandbox Time

For dinner we had Dr. Ho’s pizza and the pies we brought. (That second piece is a whoopie pie cookie – amazing!

It was a really nice visit, although we missed Thomas!

I didn’t hear any bears in the night either!

In the morning I had John’s famous nutty granola with blueberries and more peaches.

After a few rounds of puzzle, Birch and I went home to wait for Thomas to come home <3

We’re spending this weekend with the Donnes too – we’re heading to the lake! Do you have any fun weekend plans as we coast into the end of summer?


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