
Happy New Year! It’s time to unveil my 2024 word and reflect on the intensions set for the year ahead. 

2024 Word of the Year

Before we get to this year, we have to take a look back at the previous years words. 

2016 – PRESENT



2019 – PURPOSE

2020 – VISION


2022 – FRESH


Last Year

In prep for this post, I re-read last year’s post and can confirm I was in a totally different mental state a year ago. Creative energy was flowing, on the brink of my Bloom course launch and the beginning of our renovation. Both of those things launched smoothly, but 2023 is not a year I’d like to live through again. VERY happy to be settled, at home again, and focusing on the KERF. 

I listened to a Jenna Kutcher podcast recently (love Goaldigger!) called “How We’re Approaching 2024 strategically with Ease” and she talks about going deep not wide in your business. This message combined with some realizations I had about KERF last fall have inspired me to want to dig deeper into the blog / website / business (whatever you want to call it!) that I have called home for 16 years. 

This is where I belong. This is what I do best. And to be honest, this is where the bulk of my income is. Not that I haven’t enjoyed my side projects, but KERF is the hub of it all. 

When I tried to put my feelings into one word the word that came to mind was EXPAND. 

Expand: to give a fuller version

I don’t mean expand in its growth definition. I don’t want KERF franchises (haha). Rather, I’m imaging taking a deep breath into the lungs and holding it – and then sipping in a little more air to fully expand the chest. “To give a fuller version.” The opposite of deflate! 

I’m feeling the urge to make things a little bit bigger, a little bit better. But nothing dramatically different! I want to write more lifestyle posts, share more small post topics, and provide more helpful information too.

I think the other reason expand is on my mind is because I am finally doing some meditating! I have my sauna blanket time to thank for this, and it’s been great to find a time and space where meditation, breath work, and deep breathing feels like something I’m doing on purpose and with intention. I’m imagining the energy of oxygen reaching all edges of my life. 

I’m not only imagining breathing life into my blog but also my overall life, health, the day-to-day. I actually thought I had used FOCUS as a word of the year before, but that’s kind of the vibe I’m going for. Focus on what is working and working well, what brings me joy, and what makes me feel great. And let go of the rest. 

But along with that focus: expand a little, grow a little, do a little better. Expand my mind.

I would love to hear your words for this year! Please share below. 


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