
Female athletes these days seek for opportunities to make sure they are on top of their game. They want to be able to perform well and achieve their goals without putting their health at risk. This is where the best Sarms for women come in. 

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators can help ladies improve their athletic performance without the dangerous side effects that come with anabolic steroids. But we are not even talking about hormone modulating SARMS being sold by underground labs. 

We are talking about 100% natural SARMS that will not screw up your endocrine system or have you growing a moustache. 

What Are The Best SARMs for Women? (Top 3) 

In this article, we will introduce you to the best Sarms for women currently available on the market. Without further ado, let’s get started. 

#1 – Osta 2866 – Best SARM for beginners 

Osta 2866 is the perfect first SARM for women for reasons galore. It is the mildest SARM in our list and will give you a great introduction to the world of selective androgen receptor modulators without any harsh side effects. 

Just like all other SARMS, Osta 2866 helps you build lean muscle mass, while selectively burning off body fat. It improves bone density, which translates into better overall strength and stamina. 

Since it is the mildest SARM in our list, Osta 2866 is not going to give you earth-shattering results. But it will be a great starting point for your SARMs journey nonetheless. 

What is Osta 2866? 

When SARMS had become a buzzword in the bodybuilding community, athletes were quick to realize their potential. However, the first generation of SARMS was fraught with side effects. 

Ostarine is the SARM that started it all. It was developed by GTx Pharmaceuticals in an effort to create a drug that could combat muscle wasting diseases such as cancer and AIDS. 

Bodybuilders and even researchers realized that this was a versatile SARM that could be used for much more than just treating muscle wasting diseases. 

So, what is Osta 2866? Simply put, it is a natural second-generation SARM that was developed to avoid the harsh side effects associated with the first generation of SARMS. 

It is one of the most popular SARMS on the market today because it mimics the results of the original Ostarine without binding with your hormone receptors. 

Benefits of using Osta 2866 

Osta 2866 is a versatile SARM as we mentioned at the onset. It helps you gain lean muscle mass, while offsetting any loopholes in your diet. It is a well-rounded SARM that can be used for both bulking and cutting cycles. 

Some of the benefits associated with using Osta 2866 include: 

  • Helps you build lean muscle mass 

Osta 2866 has an innate ability to improve muscle protein synthesis. This leads to an increased rate of muscle growth. You will be able to put on lean muscle mass without any water retention. 

There’s a huge debate on the quality of muscle gains you make while using performance enhancement aids. Well, the quality of lean muscles you gain on Osta 2866 is top notch. It’s dry and vascular. 

  • Preserves your gains during a cutting cycle 

We all want to look our best, regardless of whether we are cutting or bulking. Osta 2866 is the SARM that can help you achieve this goal. It will help you preserve your gains while you are on a cutting cycle. 

This is extremely beneficial because you won’t have to worry about starting from scratch when you want to bulk up again. It will selectively target and burn off body fat, without affecting your muscle tissue. 

  • Improves stamina and endurance 

This is one of the most underrated benefits of using Osta 2866. It will help you push your limits in the gym and enable you to work out for longer periods of time. 

It does this by improving your red blood cell count. This, in turn, leads to increased oxygenation of your muscles, which results in better stamina and endurance. 

If you are looking for a SARM that will help you take your training to the next level, Osta 2866 is the way to go. 

How does Osta 2866 work? 

We like the fact that unlike black market SARMS which can be hit and miss, you know exactly what you are getting with Osta 2866. This is because it is a pharmaceutical grade product that has been developed in a controlled environment. 

Osta 2866 works by increasing muscle protein synthesis. Once it does this, it starts kick-starting the process of muscle growth. But it does not stop there. 

It also helps preserve your gains by preventing muscle wasting. This is extremely beneficial if you are on a cutting cycle and want to avoid losing your hard-earned muscle mass. 

The beauty of using Osta 2866 is that it selectively targets androgen receptors in your muscles. This means that it will not have any impact on your hormones. 

Osta 2866 Cost 

Since Osta 2866 has just been launched by CrazyBulk, you can get this remarkable SARM for a beginner price of just $69.99. That’s great value considering that black market SARMS retail for a lot more. 

You can also get much better pricing if you buy a two or three month supply by the way. You get one bottle for free too. 

Click here for the Lowest Price on Osta 2866 

Osta 2866 – Our Thoughts 

Osta 2866 is a no-brainer choice. It is a second-generation SARM that has been developed to avoid the harsh side effects associated with first generation SARMS. 

It is one of the most popular SARMS on the market today because it mimics the results of original Ostarine without binding with your hormone receptors. It can build lean muscle mass, burn fat and boost strength. 

#2 – C-Dine (GW501516) – Turn into an athlete with this Cardarine Clone 

When researchers first discovered Cardarine, it was hailed as a potential cure for obesity. That’s because it can help you burn fat without affecting your muscle tissue. 

It does this by activating AMP-activated protein kinase(AMPK), which is known as the “fat burning enzyme.” 

In fact, Cardarine is so effective at burning fat that it was banned by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) in athletes. This is because it gives users an unfair advantage by increasing their stamina and endurance, without them having to put in the hard work. 

That’s why CrazyBulk decided to create a natural alternative to Cardarine that would not be banned in athletes. The result is C-Dine, which is a SARM that can help you turn into an athlete without having to worry about being banned. 

What is C-Dine (GW501516)? 

C-Dine (GW501516) is a natural alternative to Cardarine, a SARM that is used by bodybuilders and athletes to help them burn fat and improve their stamina and endurance. It is a non-steroidal compound that was developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals in 1992. 

It works by activating the AMPK pathway, which leads to increased fatty acid oxidation and glucose uptake. In other words, it helps your body burn fat for energy. 

C-Dine also has some other benefits, such as improving cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation. 

The benefits of using C-Dine (GW501516) 

Do you firmly believe that strong is the new skinny? Well, then you are going to love the benefits of using C-Dine (GW501516). 

This SARM can help you burn fat, build muscle, improve your stamina and endurance, and increase your speed. In other words, it can help you turn into an athlete. Let’s look at that closely. 

Athletic performance is all about how much oxygen your body can use. The more oxygen your muscles can use, the better they will perform. 

This is where C-Dine comes in. This SARM can help you increase your VO2 max, which is the maximum amount of oxygen that your body can use during exercise. Picture being able to run further and faster, without getting out of breath. That’s what C-Dine can do for you. 

Many women who use C-Dine mention that they feel like they have an extra pair of lungs to take in all that air. They just dont feel breathless. Imagine having this edge in the gym or on the field. 

  • Increased Fat Oxidation 

C-Dine helps your body burn fat for energy by activating the AMPK pathway. This leads to increased fatty acid oxidation, which means that your body will start burning stored fat for energy. It breaks down the fat cells and uses them as fuel, so you can say goodbye to those stubborn love handles. 

In one study, Cardarine was shown to increase fatty acid oxidation by up to 36%. That’s a significant increase that help you lose fat. 

There are very few SARMS that can help you gain muscle mass and burn fat at the same time, but C-Dine is one of them. This SARM can help you build lean muscle mass while you are burning off that stubborn body fat. 

While you will not increase muscle mass in sizeable proportions like you’d do with Ligan 4033, C-Dine will make you look lean and mean. That’s the look that many female athletes seek these days. 

How does C-Dine work? 

C-Dine’s working methodology is a little complex. It works in multiple ways. You see, the original Cardarine was a PPAR receptor agonist. This means that it would attach itself to the PPAR receptors and change their shape. 

This would then lead to the activation of certain genes that are responsible for fat burning, such as FABP4 and CPT1b. In other words, rapid fat loss. 

However, Cardarine was also shown to increase the level of a protein called HMGCR, which is the rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis. This would lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol and a decrease in HDL cholesterol. 

C-Dine, on the other hand, uses more tested and safer, non-hormonal biological pathways to exert its action. It targets fat burning enzymes and proteins, such as AMPK, LPL, and HSL. 

It also inhibits the production of fatty acids and triglycerides. In other words, it helps your body burn stored fat for energy in the female body. 

C-Dine Cost 

Just like the rest of the bestselling SARMS, CrazyBulk has priced C-Dine at $69.99. We feel that this will be the best $70 you ever invest on yourself. It will get you peeled, shredded and muscular. 

Oh, go for the three month supply and grab that free bottle of C-Dine while it’s available. 

Click here for the Lowest Price on C-Dine 

C-Dine – Our thoughts 

CrazyBulk has done it again. They have come up with a SARM that is safe, effective, and affordable. We give C-Dine two thumbs up! 

C-Dine can help you turn into a fat-burning machine. It can help you lose weight, build muscle, and improve your athletic performance. And it does all of this without any hormonal side effects. 

It is, without a doubt, one of the best SARMS for women out there. 

#3 – Stena 9009 – Peel away fat with Stena 9009 


When Stenabolic was discovered circa 2013, it was hailed as a “exercise in a bottle”. It was shown to increase VO2 max and mitochondrial biogenesis. In other words, it would make you exercise harder and for longer periods of time. 

The problem with Stenabolic was that it had a very short half-life. This meant that you had to take it multiple times a day to experience its benefits. 

The good news is that the scientists at CrazyBulk have come up with a solution – they have created Stena 9009, which has a longer half-life and can be taken just once or twice a day. 

What is Stena 9009? 

Stenabolic or SR9009 was for long considered the Holy Grail of SARMS. It was shown to have some amazing benefits, such as increased endurance, improved fat loss, and increased muscle growth. 

However, the biggest problem with Stenabolic was its short half-life. You see, it only lasted for a few hours in the body before being metabolized and excreted. The only possible solution was to take extremely high doses frequently, which greatly increased the risk of side effects. 

CrazyBulk has come up with a solution – they have created Stena 9009, which is the long-awaited answer to the short half-life problem. 

Stena 9009 is a natural and modified version of Stenabolic that has a longer half-life. This means that you can experience all the benefits of Stenabolic without having to take it multiple times a day. 

Benefits of Stena 9009 

Stena 9009 is called Exercise in a bottle clone for a reason. It gives you all the benefits that you would get from exercising without actually having to do any exercise. 

That’s incredible to say the least. Imagine the potential applications. People who cannot exercise due to physical limitations or injury can take Stena 9009 and experience the benefits of exercising. 

Here are some of the benefits that you can expect from taking Stena 9009: 

Endurance is a tough one to increase. You can only increase it so much by exercising. This is where Stena 9009 comes in. It will help you exercise for longer periods of time by increasing mitochondrial biogenesis. 

In lay man’s terms, what this means is that your cells will produce more energy, which will help you exercise for longer periods of time. Athletes report being able to partake in intense workouts and train harder when they take Stena 9009. 

Stena 9009 can help you lose weight by increasing the amount of energy that your body burns. It does this by targeting specific enzymes and proteins, such as AMPK, LPL, and HSL. HSL or hormone-sensitive lipase in particular is one of the key enzymes that is responsible for the breakdown of fat cells. 

When HSL is activated, it breaks down the fat cells and releases them into the bloodstream to be used as energy. This results in increased fat burning and weight loss. 

  • Increased muscle growth 

Lean muscle growth is one of the most popular reasons why people take SARMS. Stena 9009 can help you build muscle by increasing the amount of IGF-1 in your muscles. IGF-1 is a growth hormone precursor that plays a key role in muscle growth. 

It does this by increasing protein synthesis and the creation of new muscle cells. In other words, it helps your muscles grow bigger and stronger. 

This of course is just the tip of what Stena 9009 can do for you. It has many more benefits on the overall quality of life. 

How does Stena 9009 work? 

The working mechanism of Stena 9009 is pretty simple. It mimics the benefits of exercising by targeting specific enzymes and proteins in the body. 

When you exercise, your muscles produce more energy and burn more fat. This is because of the increased activity of certain enzymes and proteins. 

Stena 9009 works by targeting these same enzymes and proteins, which results in the same benefits as exercising, without actually having to do any exercise. What’s remarkable though is that Stena 9009 takes out hormones from the equation. 

It does not bind to any androgen receptors, which means that it does not increase levels of testosterone or any other hormones in the body. This is what makes Stena 9009 so safe. 

Stena 9009 Cost 

Stena 9009 costs $69.99 for a 30-day supply. That’s pretty reasonable, considering that you’re getting the benefits of exercising without actually having to do any exercise. 

If you want to save some bucks while you are at it, you can buy a 90-day supply for $209.99. You get a 2-month supply for free. 

Click here for the Lowest Price on Stena 9009 

Stena 9009 – Our thoughts 

Stena 9009 is a pretty impressive SARM. It gives you all the benefits of exercising without actually having to do any exercise. That’s pretty incredible. Even if you cannot hit the gym like clockwork or your diet isnt the best, Stena 9009 will help you out. 

#4 – Ligan 4033 – Potent Muscle Mass builder 


Ligandrol or LGD 4033 has become the SARM that’s synonymous with building muscle mass. It’s by far the most effective SARM for building muscle mass. Almost like the Dianabol of the SARMS world. 

But because of a strong affinity to bind with the androgen receptors, it can result in some side effects like increased hair growth, acne, and aggression. Not to mention that there’s a risk that you might end up shutting down your endogenous testosterone production. 

That’s why CrazyBulk came up with their own, natural version of Ligandrol. It’s called Ligan 4033. 

What is Ligan 4033? 

Ligan 4033 is a natural, legal, and safe alternative to the synthetic SARM, Ligandrol. It’s designed to give you all the benefits of Ligandrol without the side effects. 

Ligan 4033 is a non-steroidal supplement that can help you build muscle mass, increase strength, and lose fat. 

Picture being able to gain 10-15 lbs of lean muscle mass in just 1 cycle. That’s exactly what you can expect with Ligan 4033. Its a rapid acting formula that will have you seeing results in just 4-6 weeks. 

Benefits of Ligan 4033 

Like all the other best SARMS for women, Ligan 4033 is a versatile SARM. It can burn fat, build muscle, boost strength and get you extreme muscle pumps. But the primary forte is being able to build muscle and do it fast. 

  • Make serious muscle growth 

Muscle growth takes time. Ask any natty bodybuilder who’s been trying to bulk up for years. It takes a lot of dedication, consistency, and patience. But with Ligan 4033, you can cut that time down by half. 

Maybe even shorter. You see, Ligan 4033 works on your nitrogen retention, which is the key to muscle growth. The more nitrogen your muscles can hold, the more protein your muscles can synthesize. 

This results in faster and bigger muscle growth. 

  • Boost your strength rapidly 

Ligan 4033 helps you make dramatic muscle gains. And with muscle comes strength. We are not even talking about a 5-10% increase in strength. 

We are talking about a dramatic increase of 50% or more. In just a few weeks, you will be benching weights that you once thought were impossible. Athletes will also be able to make rapid gains in strength. 

Muscle pumps are one of the most sought-after benefits by athletes and bodybuilders. It’s that feeling when your muscles feel engorged with blood. It feels amazing. 

It’s also a sign that your muscles are getting the nutrients they need to grow. Ligan 4033 gives you pumps that last all day long. You will be amazed at how much better your muscles look and feel. 

Ligan 4033 Cost 

Lign 4033 is priced at $69.99 for a 30-day supply. It’s on par with the rest of the bestsellers from CrazyBulk, which means that there’s a great opportunity to save some money. 

If you want to save even more, you can buy their 90-day supply and get a 3-month supply for the price of 2. You can also take advantage of their buy 2 get 1 free deal and get a 5-month supply for the price of 3. 

Click here for the Lowest Price on Ligan 4033 

Ligan 4033 – Our thoughts 

There’s no doubt that Ligan 4033 is one of the best SARMS for women. It’s a potent muscle builder that can help you gain 10-15 lbs of lean muscle mass in just 1 cycle. It’s also very versatile, being able to burn fat, build muscle, and increase strength. 

The only downside is that it’s a bit on the pricey side. But if you take advantage of their deals, you can get it at a very reasonable price. 

#5 – Andalean – Get leaner and stronger 

Andarine was one of the first SARMS that we ever tried. We were very impressed with its ability to help us build muscle and lose fat at the same time. 

Andarine, also known as S-4, is a very potent androgen receptor agonist. It was developed by GTx to treat muscle wasting and osteoporosis. But when the first news about the side effects, particularly the vision problems, broke out, the development was put on hold. 

Fortunately, CrazyBulk has released a safe and legal alternative to Andarine called Andalean. It’s design to give you all the benefits of Andarine without the side effects. 

What is Andalean? 

Andalean is CrazyBulk’s legal version of Andarine. It’s a potent muscle builder that can help you gain lean muscle mass and increase strength. 

It also has the unique ability to help you lose fat. That’s because Andalean controls and alters the levels of certain enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of lipids. 

This results in a decrease in the amount of fat that your body can store. The results are most visible near fat-dense areas like the abdomen, the thighs and the arms. 

Best of all, you don’t have to worry about the side effects that are associated with Andarine. 

Benefits of Andalean 

As implied by the name, Andalean’s primary benefit is its ability to help you build lean muscle mass. But that’s not all it can do. It can also help you in the following ways. 

Just like most of us want to gain muscle tissues fast, we also want to be able to lose fat at the same time. 

Andalean can help you with that. It helps you burn fat by inhibiting the action of certain enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of lipids. 

This means that your body will have a harder time storing fat, and you will be able to lose it more easily. The results are most visible near fat-dense areas like the abdomen, the thighs and the arms. 

  • Dry Striated Muscle Tissue 

The quality of muscle tissue that female athletes generally seek is the dry and hard look. This is where Andalean comes in. 

It helps you achieve that “dry” look by promoting the synthesis of skeletal muscle tissue. This results in an increase in the cross-sectional area of your muscles, making them appear fuller and harder. 

The amount of energy that your body can consistently produce will have a direct impact on your performance. 

Andalean can help you with that by stimulating the production of ATP in your body. ATP is the energy currency of your cells, and it’s what allows them to do work. 

The more ATP you have in your system, the more energy you will have to power through your workouts and set new PRs. 

How does Andalean work? 

The primary mechanism of action of Andalean is the promotion of muscle growth. It does this by altering the levels of Myostatin, a protein that’s responsible for the regulation of muscle growth. 

Myostatin is a negative regulator of muscle growth. This means that it limits the amount of muscle your body can grow. 

By inhibiting the action of Myostatin, Andalean allows your body to build more muscle tissue. 

In addition to that, Andalean also alters the levels of other proteins and enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of lipids. 

Andalean Cost 

Andalean will cost you $69.99 for a 30-day supply. That’s a pretty reasonable price, especially when you consider the fact that it’s one of the most potent muscle-building agents on the market. CrazyBulk has the Crazy Buy 3 get 2 free offer valid on Andalean as well. 

This means that you can get 5 bottles of Andalean for the price of 3. That’s a pretty good deal, considering the fact that you’re getting 2 bottles for free. 

Click here for the Lowest Price on Andalean 

Andalean – Our thoughts 

With Legal Andarine, CrazyBulk completes the SARMS stack. This is hands down, one of the toughest SARMS to clone and they have managed to hit the nail on the head with Andalean. 

The product is very effective at delivering on its promise of helping you build lean muscle mass and lose fat at the same time. 


Q. Are these SARMS for women safe? 

A. Not all SARMS are safe. The ones being sold in the black market on the internet can cause some serious side effects. 

CrazyBulk SARMS, on the other hand, are completely safe and legal. They are made in FDA-approved facilities using only the highest quality ingredients. 

Q. I’m a woman and I want to use SARMS to get bigger muscles. Will these work for me? 

A. There’s no SARMS specifically designed for women. However, the SARMS that are available can be used by both men and women. 

Q. How long will it take for me to see results? 

A. The results depend on a lot of factors like your diet, training regime, etc. Generally speaking, you can expect to see results within 4-8 weeks. 

Q. Do I need a PCT after using these SARMS? 

A. No, you don’t need a PCT after using CrazyBulk SARMS. These are completely safe and legal, so there’s no need for a PCT. 

The Bottom Line 

These SARMS for women tick all the boxes when it comes to being safe, legal and effective. If you’re looking for a performance enhancement drug that can help you build muscle and lose fat, CrazyBulk SARMS are a great option. 

Here’s a quick recap of the top 5 we reviewed for you. 

Remember, each one of these SARMS can help you reach your fitness goals. It’s just a matter of finding the right one for you. We hope that our guide helps you do just that. Good luck. 

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