
Bodybuilding is hands down, one of the toughest sports in the world. The level of dedication, time, and effort required to be successful is immense. So, it’s no wonder that athletes are always looking for an edge; something that will give them a little extra boost to help them reach their goals. And that’s where the best SARMS stack comes in. 

Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are a class of drugs that have been shown to have some pretty amazing benefits for athletes, unlike Anabolic steroids which are now redundant. For instance, SARMs can help you with lean muscle mass growth, burn fat, and improve your strength and endurance. And the best part is that, now, they’re completely legal and available without a prescription! 

What Are The Best SARMS Stack? (Top 3) 

  1. Crazybulk Bulking Stack - Best Choice for Bulking 

  1. Crazybulk Cutting Stack - Best Choice for Cutting 

  1. Crazybulk Ultimate Stack - Best Choice for Fast Ultimate Results 

The best SARMS stack will vary depending on your specific goals, but there are a few that stand out above the rest. That’s what we have handpicked for you in this article. Without further ado, here’s a look at the best SARMS stack. 

#1 – CrazyBulk SARMS Bulking Stack – Top Choice for Lean Muscle Mass Gains 


Looking to bulk for the winter? Bulking often gets under shadowed by cutting, but it’s actually just as important for making gains. After all, you can’t cut if you don’t have anything to cut! 

The CrazyBulk SARMS Bulking Stack is our top choice for anyone looking to add some serious lean muscle mass. This stack includes four of the best SARMS for bulking, that will help you cut short your path to some massive gains. 

Just like the rest of the stacks, this stack contains SARMS that meet different challenges that people face while trying to gain muscle. We will explain this in detail in a bit. 

What is the CrazyBulk SARMS bulking stack? 

You see, different fitness buffs have different challenges when they are trying to bulk up. Some have a rapid metabolism which quickly burns calories and makes it hard to put on weight. Others find it very difficult to eat enough calories to make lean muscle gains without putting on a lot of fat. And yet others have trouble building muscle even when they are eating a lot and working out regularly. 

The CrazyBulk SARMS Bulking Stack is designed for people who want to bulk up, regardless of their challenges. 

The stack includes: 

  • Osta 2866 

  • Ibuta 677 

  • Testol 140 

These are all SARMS that have been clinically proven to help with different aspects of bulking up. For instance, Ligan 4033 is a SARM that helps increase testosterone levels. This is important because testosterone is the hormone that is responsible for lean mass. 

Testol 140, on the other hand, helps you retain more nitrogen. Nitrogen is one of the building blocks of protein and, therefore, muscles. So, by retaining more nitrogen, your body will be able to build more muscle. 

We will explain it in detail in the working mechanism section. 

How does the CrazyBulk Bulking Stack work? 

CrazyBulk’s bulking stack has mass builders that help you bulk up by working on different mechanisms in your body. Let’s see how each of them works. 

Ligan 4033 boosts Testosterone levels 

Testosterone is the hormone that is responsible for muscle growth. So, it makes sense that increasing your testosterone levels will help you bulk up. This is exactly what Ligan 4033 does. It uses a blend of natural ingredients, such as D-Aspartic acid, Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek, and more, to help increase your testosterone levels. 

When your testosterone levels increase, particularly, your free testosterone levels, your muscle protein synthesis will increase. 

What’s more, Ligan 4033 also helps reduce the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that breaks down muscle tissue. So, by reducing your cortisol levels, you will be able to preserve more muscle mass and bulk up more quickly. 

Testol 140 helps you retain nitrogen 

Nitrogen is one of the building blocks of protein. So, by retaining more nitrogen, your body will be able to build more muscle. 

Testol 140 helps you do this by stimulating the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen to your muscles. When your muscles have more oxygen, they will be able to work out for longer and harder. 

What’s more, Testol 140 also helps increase your IGF-1 levels. IGF-1 is a growth hormone that helps with muscle growth. 

Lastly, Testol also helps you retain more water in your muscles. This gives your muscles a fuller look and makes them look bigger. 

Ibuta 677 promotes collagen synthesis 

Collagen is the protein that gives your muscles strength and elasticity. So, by promoting collagen synthesis, Ibuta 677 will help your muscles recover from workouts faster and will also prevent injuries. 

In addition, Ibuta 677 also helps increase red blood cell production. As we mentioned before, red blood cells transport oxygen to your muscles. So, by increasing red blood cell production, Decaduro will help your muscles get more oxygen. 

While some of the other SARMS in the stack act more rapidly, Ibuta 677 is a slow mass builder that will produce slow but sustained gains. 

Osta 2866 produces explosive gains with glycogen 

The fourth SARM in the SARMS bulking stack is Osta 2866. Osta is unique in that it doesn’t act on androgen receptors. Instead, it works by increasing the amount of glycogen in your muscles. 

Glycogen is a carbohydrate that your body stores in your muscles for energy. When you work out, your body will use glycogen for energy. 

By increasing the amount of glycogen in your muscles, Osta will help you get more energy and stamina during workouts. As a result, you will be able to lift heavier weights and do more reps. 

Osta will also help your recovery from workouts faster as it increases protein synthesis. 

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack Cost 

CrazyBulk’s bulking stack is now priced at just $184.99. That’s a massive drop from the usual price of $319. Almost a 40% reduction. If we were you, we’d jump on this deal ASAP. 

Click here for the Lowest Price on CrazyBulk Bulking Stack 

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack – Why it’s our top choice 

The bulking stack from CrazyBulk is a great way to gain muscle mass, burn fat and more. The SARMS in the stack are a unique combination of muscle builders, nitrogen boosters, and lipolysis promoting compounds that will help you achieve your fitness goals. 

The stack is also very affordable, costing just $184.99. And if you order now, you’ll get free shipping to anywhere in the world. So, if you’re looking for a way to gain muscle mass, look no further. 

#2 – CrazyBulk Cutting Stack – Get Shredded and bone dry 


On the other end of the spectrum lies cutting. Cutting is probably the most popular type of bodybuilding, especially among men. 

The goal of cutting is to lose fat while preserving muscle mass. This can be a difficult task as you need to eat in a calorie deficit while still getting enough protein to preserve your muscles. 

Enter the CrazyBulk Cutting Stack. The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack is a combination of four SARMS that will just torch the body fat, leaving your muscles looking shredded. 

The advantages go beyond normal fat loss. You are actually achieving two bodybuilding goals at the same time. You are burning fat and you are building muscle while flushing out subcutaneous water retention. It’s a full body recomposition combo. 

What is the CrazyBulk Cutting Stack? 

The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack is a combination of four of the brand’s bestselling SARMS designed specifically to peel fat. These SARMS attack body fat from different angles, allowing even the most overweight person to selectively target fat while building lean muscle tissue. 

You see, fat loss innately is a catabolic process. You are breaking down molecules to release energy. Muscle tissue is also broken down to some extent in the process. But the key to aesthetic fat loss is to lose more fat than muscle. 

The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack will help you do just that by: 

  • Increasing your metabolism 

  • Decreasing your appetite 

  • Preserving lean muscle tissue 

The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack is made up of the following SARMS: 

  • C-Dine 501516 

  • Stena 9009 

As you’d notice, cutting is never about losing as much body weight as you can. It’s also about carefully preserving lean muscle tissue and losing fat. This is exactly what the CrazyBulk Cutting Stack will help you do. 

How does the CrazyBulk Cutting Stack work? 

The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack is designed to target body fat from multiple angles. You see, not everyone out there struggles to control their appetite or has a slow metabolism. These two are by far, the biggest challenges that people face when trying to lose fat. But there’s more to it. 

The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack will help you overcome these challenges by: 

C-Dine helps in Increasing your metabolism 

C-Dine 501516 is a SARM that works by increasing your metabolism. Your metabolism is a measure of how fast your body burns calories. The higher your metabolism, the faster your body burns calories. 

C-Dine is a pure fat cutting machine which will help you burn more calories, even at rest. This means that you’ll be able to lose fat even when you’re not working out. This is the most powerful process in physiology because it not only helps you lose fat but also helps you preserve muscle mass. 

Since it’s persistent all through the day, you are able to lose layers after layers of stored body fat too. 

Stena powers your workout 

The next SARMs in the stack is Stena. Stena works by suppressing your appetite. This means that you’ll feel less hungry throughout the day, making it easier for you to stick to your diet. It is designed to mimic the results of stenabolic, the SARM that was developed by Sarah Harding. 

But Stena goes beyond just suppressing your appetite. It actually gives you more energy to power through your workout. This is because it increases the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the energy source that your body uses for all its functions. 

With more ATP, you have more energy to power through your workout and build muscle. 

Ligan 4033 helps you preserve muscle mass 

The next SARM in the stack is Ligan. Ligan works by increasing protein synthesis to encourage lean muscle growth. Protein synthesis is the process that your body uses to build new proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle tissue. 

With increased protein synthesis, your body is able to build more muscle tissue. This means that you’ll be able to preserve your hard-earned muscle mass, even while in a calorie deficit. 

Ligan also helps you recover from your workout faster. This means that you’ll be able to hit the gym more often and make faster progress. 

Ibuta 677 boosts recovery and amplifies fat loss 

Ibuta 677 is a natural SARM that has been shown to boost recovery. This means that you’ll be able to hit the gym more often and make faster progress. Sluggish recovery can really put your muscle building progress on the back burner. 

Ibuta 677 also amplifies fat loss by increasing lipolysis. Lipolysis is the process of breaking down stored body fat. With increased lipolysis, you’ll be able to burn through stored body fat more quickly. 

This is the perfect SARM for those who are looking to get shredded and cut. 

CrazyBulk Cutting Stack Cost 

CrazyBulk’s Cutting Stack is priced at $209.99 for a 30-day supply. It’s one bottle each of all four SARMS. As you’d have noticed, it’s a little pricier than the bulking stack. But it’s also got more powerful SARMs that are better geared towards cutting. 

As always, buying two gets you one month’s supply for free, along with some amazing deals. We highly recommend the two-month pack, in case you want to get in shape before Christmas. 

Click here for the Lowest Price on CrazyBulk Cutting Stack 

CrazyBulk Cutting Stack – Why we recommend it 

The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack is the perfect way to lose fat and preserve muscle mass. It’s a complete package that will help you overcome the biggest challenges that people face when trying to get in shape. 

The Cutting Stack is a great value for money, and we highly recommend it to anyone who’s looking to get shredded and cut. 

#3 – The Ultimate SARMS Stack – Recomposition Goals Unlocked 


There are people who are at a stage in their bodybuilding journey, where one particular goal, neither cutting nor bulking best defines what they want to achieve. That’s where recomposition comes into the picture. 

Recomposition is a term used to describe the process of losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time. It’s the Holy Grail of bodybuilding, and it’s what everyone is ultimately striving for. 

The challenge with recomposition is that it’s really hard to do. You see, in order to lose fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit. And in order to gain muscle, you need to be in a calorie surplus. 

So how do you reconcile the two? How do you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? 

The answer is SARMS. SARMs are the perfect tool for recomposition because they help you achieve both goals simultaneously. The SARMS Ultimate Stack is designed to get you the best of both worlds, without having to sacrifice one for the other. 

What is the Ultimate SARMS Stack? 

The SARMS Ultimate Stack is a combination of the following five SARMS: 

  • Ibuta 677 

  • C-Dine 501516 

  • Stena 9009 

  • Ligan 4033 

  • Osta 2866 

We have already covered what each one of these SARMS can help you achieve. Now imagine taking them in a stack. It will just amplify the results that you get from each one of them. 

For example, Ibuta 677’s effect on recovery will be amplified when stacked with Stena 9009. This means that you’ll be able to hit the gym more often and make even faster progress. 

Similarly, Ligan 4033’s effect on protein synthesis will be amplified when stacked with Osta 2866. This means that you’ll be able to build more muscle mass in a shorter period of time. 

The Ultimate SARMS Stack is the perfect way to achieve recomposition goals. It will help you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, without resorting to toxic anabolic steroids. 

How does the Ultimate SARMS stack work? 

The Ultimate SARMS stack is designed to work in two phases. The first phase is the bulking phase, where you’ll be focusing on gaining muscle mass. The second phase is the cutting phase, where you’ll be focusing on losing body fat. 

The beauty of the Ultimate SARMS stack is that it will help you achieve both goals simultaneously. You won’t have to space out the SARMS or cycle off of them in order to achieve your desired results. 

Ligan 4033 kick starts the muscle gain 

Ligan 4033 has such a strong anabolic effect that it has been nicknamed “the builder”. It’s the most powerful SARM in the Ultimate SARMS stack, and it will help you bulk up quickly. 

You’ll see an increase in muscle mass, as well as a decrease in body fat. Ligan 4033 achieves this by increasing protein synthesis and inhibiting myostatin, at the same time. 

Ibuta 677 boosts lipolysis through HSL 

As Ibuta 677 amplifies your natural growth hormone levels, the increased level of lipolysis will help you burn body fat. 

But that’s not all. Ibuta 677 also inhibits the storage of new fat cells, making it even more effective at helping you lose weight. Not to forget that you get the added benefits of collagen synthesis and boosted recovery. 

C-Dine 501516 for enhanced calorie burning 

C-Dine 501516 is a SARM that was developed for the sole purpose of helping people lose weight. It does this by increasing thermogenesis and lipolysis, while also suppressing appetite. 

The increased level of thermogenesis will help you burn more calories, even at rest. And the suppressed appetite will help you eat less, without feeling hungry all the time. 

Stena 9009 for increased endurance 

Stena 9009 is the perfect SARM for athletes and bodybuilders who are looking to improve their performance. It does this by increasing VO2 max and red blood cell production. 

This means that you’ll be able to train harder and longer, without getting tired as easily. You’ll also be less likely to experience muscle fatigue, thanks to the increased level of red blood cells. 

Osta 2866 for faster muscle gains 

Osta 2866 is a SARM that’s known for its ability to help slow build muscle mass. It does this by increasing protein synthesis and inhibiting cortisol, at the same time. 

The increased level of protein synthesis will help you build muscle mass faster. And the inhibited cortisol will help you prevent muscle catabolism, during your cutting phase. 

Ultimate Stack Cost 

For a limited time, CrazyBulk has priced the Ultimate Stack at just $244.99, which is amazing to say the least. 

You get all of the above-mentioned SARMs for just $244.99, which is a crazy price. To put things into perspective, buying each SARM individually would cost you over $600! For us, that’s a no-brainer deal. 

Click here for the Lowest Price on CrazyBulk Ultimate Stack 

Ultimate Stack – Why we recommend it 

Sometimes, you hit a dead end in your bodybuilding journey. You feel like you’re doing everything right, but the results just aren’t coming. 

That’s where the Ultimate Stack comes in. It will jumpstart your gains and help you achieve the body of your dreams. Plus, it’s an extremely safe and effective alternative to toxic steroids. If you’re looking to bulk up and cut down or just break through a stubborn phase in your bodybuilding journey, then the Ultimate Stack is for you! 

#4 – Ironbound Bulking Stack – The Budget Priced Stack 


As the demand for SARMS exploded, CrazyBulk SARMS was often sold out months in advance. This led to a scenario where people were forced to buy from third-party vendors, which often resulted in them getting scammed. 

In order to combat this problem, Brutal Force, a popular supplements brand decided to release its own line of SARMS, under the name “Ironbound Bulking Stack”. The Ironbound SARMS are priced much lower than the original CrazyBulk SARMS. But they are essentially the same thing. 

The only difference is that the Ironbound SARMS are not as popular as the original CrazyBulk SARMS. But they are still very effective and will help you achieve your goals. The Bulking Stack from Ironbound is the perfect stack for those who are looking to bulk up quickly, without breaking the bank. 

What is the Ironbound Bulking Stack? 

Just like the CrazyBulk bulking stack, the Ironbound stack is a combination of four of the most popular and effective SARMS on the market. It includes: 

  1. OstaBulk (Ostarine) 

  1. Libabulk (LGD 4033) 

  1. YKBulk (YK-11) 

  1. RadBulk (RAD-140) 

All four of these are powerful lean muscle mass builders that will jump start the mass building process. Ostabulk, which is the legal version of Ostarine, is one of the most popular SARMs on the market. It’s known for its ability to help people bulk up safely, without any side effects. 

Ligabulk or legal LGD 4033 is another popular SARM that’s known for its ability to help people increase muscle mass quickly. It’s also very effective at helping people build strength and increase their performance. 

Then there’s YKBulk and Radbulk, both incredibly powerful SARMS. In case you are wondering how this works, here’s how. 

How does the Ironbound Bulking Stack work? 

The Ironbound Bulking Stack uses a unique, but potent combination of four different SARMS to help you bulk up quickly, while also increasing your strength and performance. 

Each SARM in the stack works synergistically with the other to help you achieve your goals. The result is a stack that’s incredibly effective, safe, and affordable. 

Ostabulk slow builds lean tissue 

Ostabulk is the legal version of Ostarine that will help you slowly build lean tissue. It’s an extremely popular SARM that’s known for its ability to boost muscle protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. Both these are critical for muscle growth. 

Ostabulk will also help you increase your strength and endurance. It’s a very versatile SARM that can be used for cutting cycles too. 

Libabulk builds strength and increases performance 

Ligabulk is the legal version of LGD 4033, which is known for its ability to help optimize muscle building androgenic hormones. It will boost testosterone, IGF-1, and growth hormone levels in your body. 

All three of these are critical for muscle growth and will help you bulk up quickly. The result is explosive gains. But some of it can be water and fat due to the high affinity for glycogen storage. That’s where RADbulk comes in. 

Radbulk makes you dry and shredded 

Radbulk is designed after Rad140, considered the strongest SARM on the market. It’s more powerful than testosterone but doesn’t have any of the androgenic side effects. 

It will help you pack on dry, hard muscle mass and will also help increase your strength. The result is a shredded physique that’s ready for the beach. This sort of offsets any wet gains you might experience with Ligabulk. 

YKBulk is the wildcard 

YK-11 is a myostatin inhibitor, which opens the floodgates for muscle growth. It’s one of the most potent SARMs on the market and can help you bulk up quickly. But because of the obvious risks associated with it, which include testosterone suppression, Brutal Force has designed YKBulk, the legal version of YK-11. 

It’s a little weaker than the original but still powerful enough to help you bulk up quickly. 

Ironbound Bulking Stack Cost 

The Ironbound Bulking Stack is priced at just $159.99. How incredible is that? We are talking about a combo of four of the most powerful SARMs on the market, and it’s priced at just $159.99. There’s nothing else like it on the market currently. 

Click here for the Lowest Price on Ironbound Bulking Stack 

Ironbound Bulking Stack – Why we recommend it 

The Ironbound Bulking Stack is our top recommendation for anyone looking to bulk up quickly. It’s a potent combo of four different SARMs that will help you achieve your goals quickly, while also being safe and affordable. 

You can’t go wrong with the Ironbound Bulking Stack. 

#5 – Ripped Cutting Stack – Peel Away on a budget 


Brutal Force’s bestselling stack is called the Ripped Cutting Stack. As implied by the name, this is the stack you want to be on if you’re looking to cut down quickly. 

It’s a potent combo of four different SARMS that will help you shred away the fat while preserving the muscle. The result is a ripped, shredded physique that’s ready for the beach. If you are struggling to lose fat, no matter why the ripped cutting stack will get it done. 

What is the Ripped Cutting Stack? 

The Ripped Cutting Stack is Brutal Force’s solution for people who struggle with different aspects of fat burning. It is a potent combination of 4 powerful legal SARMS that will help you to shred fat, retain lean muscle and achieve the physique you always wanted. 

The Ripped Cutting Stack comes with: 

  • Andalean 

  • Ibutalean 

  • Cardalean 

Cut SR9 is the most powerful SARM in the Ripped Cutting Stack. It is designed to help you burn fat quickly and efficiently. Andalean is a SARM that helps you to preserve your lean muscle mass while you are shredding fat. It is the legal version of Andarine. Ibutalean is a SARM that helps you to increase your metabolism and burn more calories, by optimizing your GH levels. 

Cardalean is a SARM that helps you to lose water weight and give you a more defined and shredded physique. 

How does the Ripped Cutting Stack work? 

Our idea behind picking stacks instead of individual SARMS is that they work synergistically to give you the best results. The Ripped Cutting Stack will help you to shred fat quickly and efficiently while preserving your lean muscle mass. 

Cut SR9 will melt your body’s fat stores 

There’s a reason why SR9009 remains one of the most popular SARMS on the market. It is incredibly effective at helping your body to burn fat. 

When you take SR9009, it works by increasing the number of mitochondria in your cells. Mitochondria are responsible for generating energy in your cells. The more mitochondria you have, the more energy your cells can produce. 

Andalean burns the fat for energy 

Andalean increases the amount of lipids that your cells can burn for energy. Lipids are a type of fat that your body stores for energy. When you increase the amount of lipids that your cells can burn, you are effectively increasing your metabolism. 

Ibutalean prevents injuries and alters HSL 

Growth hormone is called the fountain of youth hormone for a reason. It is responsible for cell regeneration, tissue repair, and muscle growth. 

Ibutalean helps to optimize your GH levels, which will prevent injuries and help you to recover from workouts faster. 

Cardalean causes water weight loss 

Cardarine helps you to lose water weight by increasing the amount of glucose that your cells can uptake. Glucose is a type of sugar that your body uses for energy. 

When you increase the amount of glucose that your cells can uptake, you are effectively increasing your metabolism. This will help you to lose water weight and give you a more defined and shredded physique. 

Ripped Cutting Stack Cost 

The Ripped Cutting Stack is priced at just $159.99 like Brual Force’s bulking stack. We feel that this introductory pricing is a great way to try out the stack and see how it works for you. The prices might shoot up anytime folks. Grab it now. 

Click here for the Lowest Price on Ripped Cutting Stack 

The Ripped Cutting Stack – Why we recommend it 

The Ripped Cutting Stack is a great way to help you achieve your fat burning goals. It is a potent combination of 4 legal SARMS that will help you shred fat, retain lean muscle and achieve the physique you always wanted. 

With a money-back guarantee and a great price, we see no reason why you shouldn’t try the Ripped Cutting Stack. Click here to buy now. 

Best SARMS for cutting FAQ 

Q. What are the side effects of SARMS? 

A. The most common side effect of SARMS is mild suppression of natural testosterone production. However, these side effects are possible only with the black market or unlicensed SARMS. If you purchase legal SARMS from a reputable source, such as CrazyBulk or BrualForce, then the chances of side effects are negligible. 

Q. Do I need to PCT with these SARMS? 

A. PCT or Post Cycle Therapy is not required with these SARMS because these are 100% natural. PCT is required though for black market SARMS because they might even shut down your natural testosterone production permanently. 

Q. How long before I see results with a SARMS stack? 

A. The very purpose of using a stack is that it will give you results much faster than using a single SARM. Ideally, you can expect to see visible results within 4-6 weeks of using a SARMS stack. But don’t take this as a rule. Results can depend on a lot of other factors such as diet, workout routine, etc. 

Q. Do I need to cycle these SARMS stacks? 

A. No, you don’t. For the exact same reason. These are not hormone based. So they will not screw up your natural hormone levels. You can use these indefinitely without any issues. 

The Bottom Line 

SARMS can be a great addition to any bodybuilding or fitness goal. They can help you cut, bulk up, get stronger, get leaner, dryer, and aesthetic, all at the same time. There’s nothing that even comes close to the effectiveness of SARMS. 

If you are serious about building muscle, then we recommend that you give these best SARMS a shot. We are sure you won’t be disappointed one bit. To sum it up quickly, these are the top 5 options out there. 

  1. CrazyBulk Bulking Stack – Top Choice for mass building 

  1. CrazyBulk Cutting Stack – Get Shredded 

  1. CrazyBulk Ultimate Stack – The body recomposition stack 

  1. Ironbound Bulking Stack – Get bulked up on a budget 

  1. Ripped Cutting Stack – Get bone dry 

We hope that this helps you get in the best shape of your life. Good luck. 

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