
As one of the world’s top sports nutrition brands, Crazy Bulk has a lot to offer athletes and bodybuilders who are looking for an edge. But what do the Crazy Bulk reviews say? 

CrazyBulk has been around for a while now, and in that time, they’ve built up a pretty good reputation. Their products are used by some of the world’s top athletes and fit almost every fitness goal, be it muscle growth, gaining muscle mass fast, burning fat, or even just improving overall performance. 

The products are all-natural, which is always a big plus, and they’re also very reasonably priced. But, we all know how the dietary supplement market can be. There is a lot of snake oil salesman out there, and it can be hard to trust any one brand. 

That’s why we took a close look at Crazy Bulk, their products, and what people are saying about them, to see if they’re really as good as they claim to be. 

What is CrazyBulk? 

CrazyBulk is one of the world’s leading authority brands in sports nutrition. The company produces a wide variety of supplements, all of which are natural and legal steroids. 

This means that they can be used by athletes without the risk of testing positive for banned substances. 

The company has a range of products to suit different goals, such as quick building lean muscle mass, burn fat, increasing endogenous testosterone production, and even improving strength and stamina. 

CrazyBulk dietary supplements are all designed to work together synergistically to give users the best results possible. But you don’t necessarily need to go by what the brand marketing speaks. This is one of the few brands that use studies published in the national library of medicine as reference to back up their claims. 

So you can rest assured that what they say is actually true, and not just some marketing gimmick. 

Click Here to Visit CrazyBulk Official Website 

What are CrazyBulk Products? 

CrazyBulk’s products are primarily centered around safe performance enhancement, something that was considered to be an oxymoron not too long ago. 

You see, performance enhancement was largely synonymous with anabolic steroids, which are not only dangerous but also banned in most competitive sports. 

Crazy Bulk has changed that perception by providing safe and legal steroids that can be used by athletes without the risk of testing positive for banned substances. Here’s a look at their top products. 

The Top Legal Steroids 

The range can largely be divided into legal Steroids and Legal SARMS. Here’s a look at the top legal steroids from CrazyBulk. 

1. D-Bal – The Rapid Mass Builder 


The company’s flagship product is D-Bal, a legal steroid alternative to the pink pill, also called Dianabol. 

Dianabol is a well-known muscle building agent that has been used by athletes for decades, but it comes with a host of side effects that can be dangerous. 

D-Bal, on the other hand, is designed to mimic the effects of Dianabol without the side effects. So, you get the explosive muscle mass gains without the risk of liver damage, testicular atrophy, or gynecomastia. 

2. Anvarol – The Lean Muscle Agent 

Anvarol is another popular product from Crazy Bulk that is designed for cutting cycles. 

It is a safe and legal alternative to the banned anabolic steroid Anavar, which was commonly used by athletes to shed body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass. 

Anvarol is designed to replicate the effects of Anavar, but without the side effects. So, you can shred body fat while preserving your hard-earned muscle gains. 

3. Clenbutrol – The Ultimate Fat Burner 


Clenbutrol is a thermogenic fat burner that is designed to help you shred body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. 

It is a safe and legal alternative to the banned anabolic steroid Clenbuterol, which was commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders for its thermogenic and fat burning effects. 

Clenbutrol is designed to work like Clenbuterol without the side effects. So, you can get all the benefits of thermogenic fat burning without the risk of heart palpitations, anxiety, or tremors. 

4. Trenorol – The Dry Muscle Mass builder 

Trenorol is one of the best-selling products of Crazy Bulk. It is a supplement that has been designed to help you bulk up quickly and effectively while keeping your body fat levels down. 

It accomplishes this by increasing your nitrogen retention, which helps your muscles retain more protein. This leads to increased muscle mass and reduced body fat. 

Trenorol also increases your red blood cell count, which gives you more oxygenated blood flow to your muscles. This results in increased endurance and stamina during workouts. 

Lastly, Trenorol helps to increase your testosterone levels, which further aids in muscle growth and fat loss. 

5. Testo-Max – The Testosterone booster 


Since no anabolic steroid cycle can be complete without testosterone, CrazyBulk has included Testo-Max in their collection. This supplement increases testosterone levels naturally by stimulating the production of luteinizing hormone in the testes. 

Testo-Max is such a strong testosterone booster that it is called by most athletes the legal alternative to Sustanon 250, the injectable anabolic steroid. The benefits of using Testo-Max are: 

  • It does not convert to estrogen so there is no risk of developing man boobs 

  • It can be used by both men and women. 

6. HGH-X2 – The Growth Hormone Booster 

Human growth hormone is a natural hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland. It helps in the growth and development of tissues, organs, and bones in the body. HGH-X2 is a supplement that boosts the production of human growth hormone in the body. 

The benefits of taking HGH-X2 include increased muscle mass, reduced body fat, improved bone density, increased strength and improved recovery from workouts. 

HGH-X2 is a safe and legal alternative to illegal injectable human growth hormone. It is not associated with any of the side effects that are associated with steroids. 

7. Anadrole – The Red Blood Cell Booster 


Anadrole is a supplement that boosts the production of red blood cells in the body. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to the muscles. Anadrole increases the production of red blood cells, which results in increased oxygenation of the muscles. This leads to improved stamina and endurance during workouts. 

The benefits of taking Anadrole include increased muscle mass like D-Bal. But the difference is the type of muscle tissue you gain. Anadrole will give you pure, lean muscle mass. 

Top Legal SARMS 

As SARMS became a buzzword for safe performance enhancement, underground labs and black marketers started to peddle fake and dangerous products. This caused the reputation of SARMS to suffer. 

In order to combat this, several companies have started to produce high quality, safe and legal SARMS. These companies use stringent quality control measures to ensure that their products are pure and effective. 

The benefits of taking top legal SARMS include increased muscle mass, reduced body fat, improved bone density, increased strength, and improved recovery from workouts. 

In addition, legal SARMS are not associated with any of the side effects that are associated with steroids. CrazyBulk is one of the leading companies that produce top legal SARMS. Here’s a look at their range. 

1. Testol 140 – The RAD 140 Clone 


testol 140  

Testol 140 is the RAD 140 clone from CrazyBulk that brings Rad140’s amazing anabolic benefits without any side effects. 

Rad 140 is one of the strongest SARMS in existence, that has an innate capability to help you gain muscle tissue while burning fat. Imagine being able to lose weight and bone dry while retaining hard muscle mass. 

That’s what Testol 140 can do for you. That too using safe ingredients like whey protein. 

2. Ibuta 677 – The Growth Hormone Secretagogue that celebs use 

Ibubta 677 is a growth hormone secretagogue that is used by celebrities to stay looking young and shredded all year round. 

Growth hormone is a natural hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland. It helps in the growth and development of tissues, organs and bones in the body. 

Ibubta 677 helps to increase the production of human growth hormone in the body. 

The benefits of taking Ibuta 677 include increased muscle mass, reduced body fat, improved bone density, increased strength, and improved recovery from workouts. All of these without any of the negative effects associated with exogenous GH injections. 

3. Ligan 4033 – Gain Muscle Mass Fast 


ligan 4033  

Ligan 4033 is the answer to LGD 4033, hands down the most popular SARMs for bodybuilding. Ligan has been scientifically engineered to target muscle tissue and muscle protein synthesis, which means it is one of the most anabolic compounds available. This makes it perfect for anyone looking to bulk up quickly, or even just add a little extra lean body mass. 

The best part? It will get you the results fast. No wasting time here! 

4. C-Dine 501516 – The Cardarine clone for fat loss and endurance 

Cardarine created quite a stir when it was first introduced as a research chemical. It was touted as the “endurance enhancer” and quickly gained popularity in the bodybuilding world. 

C-Dine 501516 is the perfect clone for anyone looking to shred down quickly. It targets fat cells and helps you burn them off, while also increasing your endurance. You can lose chest fat and retain lean muscle gains at the same time. 

This makes it perfect for anyone looking to get in shape quickly, or even just improve their cardiovascular health. 

5. Stena 9009 – Improve your VO2 Max with this Stenabolic clone 


stena 9009  

Stena 9009 is the perfect clone for anyone looking to improve their VO2 max. This is the measure of your body’s ability to use oxygen, and is a great indicator of your overall fitness level. 

Stena 9009 will help you improve your VO2 max, which means you’ll be able to exercise for longer periods of time without getting tired. Many athletes claim that they feel like they have one extra pair of lungs to absorb oxygen. 

Go figure. Don’t forget that extra oxygen translates into more energy and better endurance during your workouts! 

6. Osta 2866 – The SARM that everyone should try once 

Osta 2866 is one of the most popular SARMS from CrazyBulk. It is called the beginner-friendly sarm and for good reason too. Osta 2866 can help you preserve lean muscle tissue while also promoting muscle gain. 

So, it finds a place in the bulking as well as cutting cycles. 

The Stacks – Top Choices for seasoned athletes 

As if the standalone legal steroids weren’t good enough already, CrazyBulk also offers stacks. These are basically combinations of different steroids and SARMS that work well together and offer even better results. 

The most popular stacks among seasoned athletes are: 

crazybulk bulking stack 

Bulking is incredibly tough. Don’t let anyone fool you into believing otherwise. We know what fitness coaches say. Eat more calories than what you are burning and you will gain. That’s true. 

But it wont make you look or feel like a million bucks. You will look like a bloated mess if you are not careful with your food and training. 

That’s why CrazyBulk created the bulking stack, a combination of the best legal steroids for bulking that will help you: 

There are four steroids in the bulking stack. These are – 

  • Testo-Max 

  • Decaduro 

  • Trenorol 

You can use these steroids for bulking for up to sixteen weeks. The cycle starts with a loading phase of four weeks, where you take all four steroids. This is followed by a maintenance phase of four weeks. 

2. The Cutting Stack – Best Choice for Cutting Fat 

Crazybulk cutting stack 

If you thought bulking was tough, wait till you try cutting. Cutting is when you are trying to shred the fat while preserving the muscle mass. 

It is incredibly difficult to do both at the same time, but CrazyBulk has made it possible with their cutting stack. 

The cutting stack is a combination of the best legal steroids for cutting that will help you: 

  • Preserve the muscle mass 

  • Improve your strength 

  • Increase your endurance 

  • Lean muscle mass retention 

The cutting stack has four steroids – 

  • Clenbuterol 

  • Anvarol 

  • Winstrol 

  • Testo Max 

Each of these steroids is powerful and helps you achieve different goals. 

Clenbuterol is the fat burner while Anvarol helps you preserve muscle mass, Winstrol gives you strength and Testo Max increases your endurance. 

When you use all four steroids together, you get a synergistic effect that helps you achieve your goals quickly. 

The Cutting Stack is very popular among athletes and bodybuilders who are trying to get in shape quickly. 

If you want to shred the fat while preserving muscle mass, the Cutting Stack is the way to go. 

3. The Ultimate Stack – Best for Both Bulking and Cutting 

The Ultimate Stack is the most powerful stack that CrazyBulk has to offer. 

It is a combination of all the best steroids that when taken together can help you crush plateaus as well as recompose your entire body in a span of weeks. 

The Ultimate Stack will help you: 

  • Improve your endurance 

  • Best chest fat burner 

The Ultimate Stack combines the following supplements: 

  • DecaDuro 

  • Trenorol 

  • Clenbuterol 

As you can see, each supplement is designed to help you with a different aspect of your fitness journey. Taken together, they create a powerful synergistic effect that will help you reach your fitness goals in record time. 

The best part is that the Ultimate Stack is completely safe and legal. 

The Growth Hormone Stack is not solely a bunch of steroids rolled into one. 

Instead, it is a combination of peptides that can help increase your body’s own production of growth hormone. 

This in turn will lead to increased muscle mass, strength, and endurance. 

The Growth Hormone Stack can help you: 

  • Increase your growth hormone production 

  • Improve your sleep quality 

  • Boost your immune system 

  • Increase your bone density 

The Growth Hormone Stack combines the following supplements: 

  • HGH-X2 

  • Decaduro 

  • D-Bal 

  • Testo-Max 

  • Clenbutrol 

Each supplement in the Growth Hormone Stack is designed to help you boost your growth hormone production in a safe and legal way. But that’s not all. There are steroids in there that also address other issues that are common among bodybuilders such as poor sleep quality and low immunity. 

The bottom line is that if you want to increase your growth hormone production, then this is the stack for you. 


sarms bulking stack  

What if you want to bulk up fast without using legal steroids? Here’s the SARMS bulking stack from Crazy Bulk. 

SARMS stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. These are a new class of drugs that are similar to anabolic steroids, but they are much more selective in their action. 

What this means is that SARMS can help you bulk up without the nasty side effects that are associated with anabolic steroids. The SARMS Bulking Stack is a combination of four of CrazyBulk’s bestselling SARMS. 

  • Osta 2866 

  • Ligan 4033 

  • Testol 140 

So, Ligan 4033 is the Kickstarter SARM in the stack that will help you bulk up quickly. Testol 140 is the SARM that will help you increase your strength and also peel away the fat, as well as subQ water. 

And Ibuta 677 will fire up your growth hormone levels, allowing you to slow down the aging process and stay looking young. 

To sum it up, the SARMS Bulking Stack can help you: 

  • Increase your strength 

  • Cut body fat 

  • Look Younger 


sarms cutting stack  

SARMS are not merely for bulking up. They can also be used for cutting. 

The SARMS Cutting Stack is a combination of four of Crazy Bulk’s bestselling SARMS that will help you cut body fat quickly while maintaining your hard-earned muscle mass. 

  • Stena 9009 

  • C-Dine 501516 

  • Ibuta 677 

As always, CrazyBulk has not skimped on the quality of their SARMS. 

Stena 9009 is the SARM that will help you burn fat quickly while C-Dine 501516 helps to preserve your muscle mass. 

Ibuta 677 is the SARM that will help you to maintain your strength levels while you are on a calorie-deficient diet and Ligan 4033 is the SARM that will help to increase your muscle mass, preventing muscle loss. 

Now imagine all these powerful SARMS working in synergy. That is exactly what the Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack will do for you. 

If you are looking to get shredded quickly, then the Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack is the way to go. 

Do CrazyBulk products cause any side effects? 

This is a question that we hear a lot. And the answer is no, Crazy Bulk products do not cause any side effects. 

How can we be so sure? 

  • Well, for one thing, all of their products are made from 100% natural ingredients. So, you can be rest assured that you are not putting any synthetic chemicals into your body. 

  • Take any of their products and analyze the ingredients and you will see that they are all-natural. 

  • Furthermore, Crazy Bulk products are not drugs. They are supplements that are designed to help you achieve your fitness goals in a safe and legal way. 

  • And last but not least, Crazy Bulk supplements are manufactured in FDA-approved facilities. So, you can be sure that they meet the highest quality standards. 

Are CrazyBulk Supplements FDA approved? 

CrazyBulk supplements are not drugs, so they do not need FDA approval. 

However, their manufacturing facilities are FDA-approved. So, you can be sure that their products meet the highest quality standards. 

That said, dietary supplements do not need FDA approval before they are marketed. 

What this means is that any supplement company can make whatever claims they want about their products and they do not have to back up these claims with scientific evidence. 

Fortunately, Crazy Bulk is not one of those companies. They put their money where their mouth is and they back up their claims with scientific research as we mentioned earlier. 

What do customers say about CrazyBulk? 

If there’s one thing in the dietary supplements industry that you can always count on, it’s customer reviews. 

And when it comes to Crazy Bulk, the customer reviews are overwhelmingly positive. 

A quick search on Google will reveal hundreds of positive Crazy Bulk reviews from customers who have used their products and achieved amazing results. 

Here are some of the things that customers say about Crazy Bulk: 

“I’ve been using Crazy Bulk for about 3 months now and I’ve gained about 15lbs of muscle mass.” 

“I was a bit skeptical at first but I’m glad I gave it a try.” 

“As a professional athlete, I am wary of using any supplements that are not 100% natural. But I can say with certainty that Crazy Bulk products are safe and they really work.” 

“I was a bit overweight and I decided to try the Cutting Stack. I’m happy to report that it worked like a charm. I lost about 20lbs of body fat in just 4 months.” 

These are just some of the things that customers say about Crazy Bulk. And if you want to read more, then just do a quick Google search and you will find hundreds of positive reviews. 

Click Here to Visit CrazyBulk Official Website 

What are the ingredients that CrazyBulk uses to manufacture legal steroids? 

CrazyBulk Ingredients is a question that has triggered the curiosity of one and all. After all, how can a completely natural supplement give you such amazing results? 

The answer is simple. Crazy Bulk uses high-quality, natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to be effective. 

Here are some of the most important Crazy Bulk ingredients: 

L-Citrulline Malate 

This is an amino acid that has been shown to increase nitric oxide levels in the body. 

Nitric oxide is a gas that is produced in the body and it has many important functions. 

The most important function of nitric oxide is to relax and widen blood vessels. This leads to increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles. 

This is why L-Citrulline Malate is often called a “muscle-building” ingredient. 


BCAA’s are short for branch chain amino acids. These are three amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) that are essential for muscle growth. 

Leucine is the most important BCAA and it has been shown to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. 

Protein synthesis is the process by which new muscle proteins are created. 

So, if you want to build muscle, then you need to make sure that your body has enough leucine. 

Fortunately, Crazy Bulk uses a high-quality BCAA concentrate that contains the perfect ratio of leucine, isoleucine, and valine. 

Creatine Monohydrate 

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that’s the combination of three amino acids. It is found in our muscle tissue, in red meat, and in many other forms of food. 

Creatine is stored in the muscles in the form of phosphocreatine. Phosphocreatine is used to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the energy currency of the body and it is used for all muscular contractions. 

Supplementing with creatine has been shown to increase phosphocreatine levels, which leads to increased ATP production. This results in more energy and strength during workouts. 

Crazy Bulk uses the purest form of creatine monohydrate that is available on the market. 

Whey Protein Concentrate 

Whey protein is the most popular protein supplement on the market. It is made from milk and it contains all of the essential amino acids that your body needs to build muscle. 

Whey protein is a fast-acting protein and it is absorbed by the body very quickly. This makes it ideal for post-workout recovery. Crazy Bulk uses a high-quality whey protein concentrate that is rich in all of the essential amino acids. 

This is not the complete ingredient list mind you. But it’s pretty close. As you can see, there’s nothing “crazy” about the Crazy Bulk ingredients. All of the ingredients are completely natural and they have all been clinically proven to be effective. 

How much do CrazyBulk Products cost? 

Before we discuss the price, let’s first take a look at some of the prices for illegal steroids sold by underground labs. 

  • Injectable Dianabol: $2-$5 per 10mg vial 

  • Oral Dianabol: $1-$2 per 10mg tablet 

  • Anavar: $2-$4 per 50mg tablet 

  • Winstrol: $2-$4 per 50mg tablet 

As you can see, the prices for illegal steroids can vary quite a bit. The price also depends on the country where you are buying them from. 

Now let’s take a look at the prices for Crazy Bulk products. 

  • D-Bal (Dianabol alternative): $59.99 per bottle 

  • Anvarol (Anavar alternative): $54.99 per bottle 

  • Winsol (Winstrol alternative): $61.99 per bottle 

As you can see, Crazy Bulk products are very reasonably priced. In fact, they are actually cheaper than the illegal steroids that they are designed to mimic. 

Furthermore, when you buy from Crazy Bulk, you don’t have to worry about getting scammed or arrested. These are completely safe and legal products that can be shipped to any country in the world. 

Do Crazy Bulk Products Really Work? 

Coming to the biggest question – do Crazy Bulk products really work? In short, the answer is yes. 

All of the ingredients in Crazy Bulk products have been clinically proven to be effective. Furthermore, there are countless success stories from people who have used these products and seen amazing results. 

Crazy Bulk products are designed to mimic the effects of illegal steroids. So, it should come as no surprise that they actually work very well. 

In fact, many users report gaining 10-15 pounds of muscle within months, which is impossible without using chemical enhancement either through steroids or prohormones. 

If you are looking for a safe and legal way to build muscle, then Crazy Bulk products are definitely worth checking out. 


Q. Who can use Crazy Bulk supplements? 

A. The demographic for Crazy Bulk is quite large. The company markets its products to both men and women. 

The majority of the products are designed for men who want to build muscle, but there are a few that are specifically designed for women. For example, the product “Anvarol” is designed for women who want to lose weight and tone their muscles. 

Q. Are Crazy Bulk supplements safe? 

A. Yes, Crazy Bulk supplements are very safe to use. The company uses only natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to be safe and effective. 

In addition, all of the products are manufactured in FDA-approved facilities. 

Q. How long does it take to see results? 

A. The majority of people who use Crazy Bulk supplements see noticeable results within 2-3 weeks. Of course, individual results may vary depending on factors like age, gender, diet, and exercise routine. 

Q. Do I need to PCT after using these steroids and SARMS? 

A. PCT or post-cycle therapy is not required after using Crazy Bulk supplements. This is because the ingredients are all natural and they do not affect your HPTA negatively. 

Q. Does this mean that I can use Crazy Bulk supplements endlessly? 

A. Of course not. While CrazyBulk supplements do not cause any negative side effects, it is still important to take a break from them every once in a while. We recommend taking a break for at least 2 weeks after every 8-week cycle. This will give your body time to adjust and recover. 

Q. Can first timers use CrazyBulk steroid stacks? 

A. The term steroid stack can bring up images of massive bodybuilders with veins popping out of their muscles. 

This is not what we are talking about. A steroid stack simply refers to the combination of two or more steroids. Crazy Bulk has a few different stacks that are designed for first timers. These stacks include the Bulking Stack, the Cutting Stack, and the Ultimate Stack. 

The Bulking Stack is designed for people who want to build muscle mass. The Cutting Stack is designed for people who want to lose weight and tone their muscles. The Ultimate Stack is a combination of the Bulking Stack and the Cutting Stack. 

Q. What is the best way to use Crazy Bulk products? 

A. Well, that depends entirely on your fitness goals. Some people prefer to use single products, while others prefer to use stacks. 

If you are just starting out, we recommend using a stack. This is because the stacks are designed to work together synergistically. 

Crazy Bulk Review – The Bottom Line 

CrazyBulk is a game changer in the supplement industry, not only because they offer high-quality and effective products, but also have a flawless reputation. They have been around for over a decade and have built up a solid customer base. 

The ingredients in Crazy Bulk products are all-natural and have been clinically proven to be effective. The products are also very safe to use and do not cause any negative side effects. 

Most people who use Crazy Bulk supplements see noticeable results within weeks. Taking everything into consideration, we can safely say that Crazy Bulk is the real deal. 

Click Here to Visit CrazyBulk Official Website 

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