One Photo An Hour / Day In The Life • Kath Eats


My friend Julie has done some “one photo an hour” style blog posts that are a fun way to share a day in the life. Here’s mine! 

One Photo An Hour

Every time I try to do a ‘day in the life’ I make it to lunch and then completely drop the ball! I thought following Julie’s style of “one photo per hour” might help me stay on track, and I even set up a reminder in my phone to go off around the clock. Even so I still fell off a little, but I think you’ll still get a great idea of the day! It’s hilarious to me how well I stayed on the real-time lifestyle blog train and now I can barely tread water in it! 

6:30 am – Coffee + Computer in Bed

If I go to bed on time (9:30/10) I wake up naturally at 6:30. The best days are when I can get a little wake-up time before Birch joins me in bed! I always do Wordle, Connections, emails, and maybe a few small tasks.

7:30 – Hustle For School

Mazen’s bus comes at 8, so I’m always scrambling a little to make breakfasts. I should get out of bed earlier lol! Mazen doesn’t eat much in the mornings – toast with butter and milk or cereal is typical. Birch is my oatmeal lover and can down some breakfast! I usually empty the dishwasher while they eat and then it’s to the bus stop for Mazen. I absolutely love school busses! 

Once Mazen was out the door, I drank my AG1 smoothie! 

8:30 am – Walk to Preschool

I try to walk most days at least one leg of the school day (mornings in the summer when it’s cool, afternoons in the winter when it’s warm). Birch is allowed to walk as much as he wants, but he still really likes chilling out in the stroller (who wouldn’t!?) I’ll be sad next year when we’re a litttttttle too far for daily walks to the elementary school. Also, this day was totally unseasonably warm! A rare treat in February. I love getting fresh air and exercise first thing and listening to a podcast on the empty stroller walk home.  

9:15 am – Work + Coffee

I finished the last few sips of coffee and got started on some work at the island. 

11 am – Power walk with Gus!

Since this was a non-gym day and it was so warm out, I put on SHORTS and took Gus for a long walk on the greenway near my house. 

12pm – Shower time!

+ Skincare Routine : ) 

12:30pm – Lunch 

I made a big salad with arugula, rotisserie chicken, gorgonzola, some ChixMix (they sent me as sample!) and my favorite orange marmalade dressing. 

1:00 – Back to work!

After lunch I had two more hours before I need to get Birch at school. I worked on some blog post stuff, and I did a little adulting too, including summer camp research and tax scanning.

3pm – Birch is home!

I picked him up in the car today for time’s sake. He brought home an impressive painting of South America in honor of where his grandparents were! Next up: all the snacks. 

3:30 pm – Mazen is home!

TGF school buses once again. Such great time savers! We have a new ninja rope and Mazen can climb to the top! It’s so hard on the hands. 

4:30pm – Unboxing

We opened the mail and a package that Wild Planet sent me! Of course I loved the sardines, but I can’t wait to try these salad packages too. 

6:30 pm – Dinnertime!

Skip forward two hours for cooking and dinner prep! We made a Green Chef meal with pesto salmon, sweet potatoes, and peppers with a dollop of yogurt, always! That’s a non-alcoholic wine by Allay! (Get 20% off with the code KATHEATS if you want to try!)

7 pm – Puzzle Time!

While Birch and Thomas got ready for bathtime, I did some puzzling. We borrowed this Beatles puzzle from my parents. It’s vintage!

7:30 pm – Birch Bedtime

Thomas usually does Birch’s bath (while I do my skincare in the same room). Then they wrestle for a while. Then I usually do books/songs/tuck in. This child loves to snuggle! 

8:30 pm – Outlander + Jenis’s

Mazen gets VR time until 8:30 (after he showers) and I tuck him in. We usually start a show and pause it when he’s ready for tucking in, and then finish it after if there’s time, depending on when we start it. We’re on Outlander Season 6 and loving it.

Also: I am not a fruity ice cream girl, but the Jenis’ Brambleberry is just incredible. There are bits of oat streusel! 

9:30 pm – Bedtime

We head up for teeth brushing and reading in bed. Kindle light on till around 10!


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