
Welcome Center parking lotOur partners in Facilities are working to improve our parking surfaces!

Parking lot resurfacing will begin with Lot J at the Welcome Center starting Monday, May 16, through Saturday, May 21. Employees and visitors will need to park elsewhere during this work. Close alternative parking lot suggestions are:

  • Lot K, which is near the Film Scoring Stage building, or
  • Lot L, which is between the New Digital Media building and Buck

Parking lot resurfacing will also be done in front of the Fitness Center and in Lot N, which is below the Fitness Center, starting Monday, May 23, through Saturday, June 11. Parking will still be available in Lot L located on Spangler Way, and the recently resurfaced Welcome Center Lot during this project.

If you have any questions or need assistance with parking, you can email parking@uncsa.edu, or call 336-770-3321 for more immediate assistance.

Contact: Frank Brinkley

May 10, 2022

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