A paper by Westrich et al. (2023) examines payer perceptions of five different value frameworks. Value frameworks of interest included:
- American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Value Framework,
- Drug Pricing Lab’s Drug Abacus (formerly Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s Drug Abacus),
- Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) value assessment framework and evidence reports
- The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI)’s Open-Source Value Project models,
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)’s Evidence Blocks
The authors conducted a double-blind, web-based survey to assess payers’ perceptions of these value frameworks. Overall, 51 health care payer respondents found that the most important factors when selecting a value framework was that (i) appropriate metrics and outcomes were included, (ii) comparative clinical effectiveness information was provided and (iii) the results were methodologically rigorous and unbiased.
Among the 5 value frameworks, ICER, NCCN and ASCO were the value frameworks considered most useful for formulary decisions, while ICER was far and away the most useful for drug price negotiations.