‘Put sneakers on and hit the road for healthier life’


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​The City of Johannesburg’s Sport and Recreation Region A went all out to show that working out and incorporating positive changes into your daily routine can help you build a healthier lifestyle. Riverside Square saw calories being shredded off recently as Sport and Recreation Region A hosted an aerobics session as part of the Healthy Lifestyle program the City of Joburg’s Sport and Recreation has launched citywide.

Greater Midrand and Ivory Park Local Aerobics Clubs assisted in mobilizing community members to participate in the program. All ages were welcome, but most of the participants were women. Volunteering their services to keep the program running and citizens healthy, group instructors showed up in full force.

Aerobics not only improves cardiovascular health and performance, but it can also help build stronger bones, improves sleep and even extends people’s lives. It is by far one of the most effective ways to live a longer and healthier life.

Moderate intensity exercise on most days of the week can significantly reduce the risks of chronic lifestyle diseases such as hypertension and cardiovascular disease. The risk of having a heart attack is also significantly reduced and bone density can improve.

“Life is valuable and living a healthy life is even more valuable because without health, life is food without flavor. Health gives you the opportunity to make your life more joyful and allows you to participate in any activity you want,” said Enock Mosiea, the Project Manager.

“The cost of living a longer, healthier, happier life is just 150 minutes of movement a week, so put some sneakers on and hit the pavement today,” said Mosiea.

Written by Ntombifuthi Junerose Nkosi



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