That Whole Gwyneth Paltrow Saying Nice Things About Kourtney Kardashian Was Part Of A Larger Plan


Ever since Kourtney Kardashian established her lifestyle brand Poosh in 2019, it’s drawn comparisons to Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop. Established over a decade earlier, the Oscar winner’s platform promotes wellness and positivity, as does Kardashian’s site with a not-dissimilar name. Paltrow recently responded to a question about whether she was “mad” about the rival brand with some kind of words for the reality star and, now, we know there was a bigger story behind her insistence that the two companies can exist in the same space.

Gwyneth Paltrow didn’t mince her words when she called the tendency to pit women against each other “patriarchal bullshit,” and it turns out the famous CEOs doubled down on that sentiment by proving they’re stronger together. It was revealed on Episode 8 of The Kardashians“Never Go Against the Family,” (available to those possessing Hulu subscriptions) that Kourtney Kardashian and the actress have been working on a collaboration of their brands. Kardashian said:

When I came out with Poosh, people loved to compare us and make us like we’re enemies and like I’m coming for her territory. So I really love the idea of ​​doing something together to really show that there is room for everybody. To me that’s a really positive message.


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