Looking For A Permanent Solution To Lose Weight? Follow These Easy And Simple Tips By Nutritionist Nicky Sagar


Getting into that dream shape is what we all desire. Workouts, strict diets, giving up on food- we try every possible means to be fit and healthy. Although these methods help shed off some extra kilos, the unwanted weight comes back again.

But all we need is a permanent solution for our weight loss, be on track and be the healthiest version of ourselves. So, if you are looking for a permanent solution to this recurring problem, follow nutritionist Nicky Sagar’s easy and simple tips. Her effective and easy-to-follow tips have been favorites among her followers. Nicky Sagar strongly focuses on setting realistic goals for weight loss and also providing solutions that are practical and can fetch long-lasting effects.

Here are Nicky Sagar’s amazing tips to lose weight permanently

1. Be consistent

Being consistent with your diets and workout sessions are of utmost importance when it comes to losing weight permanently. Most of us lose track or feel demotivated after one or two months. Hence, the weight comes back easily. Choose workouts and diets that you can follow that are practical. Also, every day working out for 30-40 minutes is better than doing a rigorous 2-hour workout for just a week. Always choose consistency over quick results and you will see how weight maintenance becomes a cakewalk.

2. Focus on mindful eating

If you feel that you have done an hour-long session of Zumba and now you can munch on your favorite snack, then you are far away from your dream shape. Ensure to focus on mindful eating that can help you become fit and healthy. Also, since nutrition plays a huge role in weight loss, it is very important to eat a balanced diet. Avoid highly processed food that contains a high amount of sugar and saturated fat, packaged foods like chips, and frozen foods. Opt for homemade foods which are high in protein and low in calories.

3. Walk your way

Walking can be one of the best physical activities that have a huge positive impact on weight loss. Even if you are unable to devote time to a workout session, a 30-minute walk can be extremely effective in managing and maintaining your body weight. Go for a walk in the morning or in the evening, park your car a little bit far and walk that way, opt for walking while going to a grocery store, etc. Try to include walking in your everyday activity and you will be amazed to see the results.

4. Say no to snacks

Snacking throughout the day is really harmful to your weight. Try to avoid fried snacks as much as possible. Snacking after dinner is the most dangerous as it quickly adds body weight. Keep cashews, almonds, dates, or fruits like apples, or oranges with you, and if you feel a bit hungry munch on them instead of biscuits, chocolates, or chips.

5. Early morning detox

Start your day with a detox drink to see great results in your weight loss journey. Also, ditch tea or coffee first in the morning as they can alter your alkaline balance in the stomach and cause acidity. Drink a plain glass of water, followed by fruit, or drink some lukewarm water mixed with honey and lemon. They help to release toxins from your body and aids in permanent weight loss.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to stop worrying and include these superb easy and simple tips by Nutritionist Nicky Sagar to lose weight permanently.

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