
SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) have grown increasingly popular among athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and bodybuilders due to their performance-enhancing properties. Unlike the previously popular steroids, SARMs target specific muscles and tissues without triggering a chain of reactions.

As such, you enjoy all the benefits performance-enhancing supplements offer without increasing the risk of liver damage, heart attack, and stroke. One such SARM is the rad 140 SARM. The recently invented SARM is a powerful performance-enhancing supplement that aids muscle building and reverses bone-related loss. Here’s a comprehensive RAD-140 review.

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What is RAD 140?

Also known as Testolone, RAD 140 was invented and produced by an international biopharmaceutical, Radius Health Inc. as a safer alternative to anabolic steroids. According to Radius Health Inc. researchers, RAD 140 is an SARM equipped with muscle-building and restorative properties.

RAD 140 not only builds lean muscle mass, endurance, and reduces fat but also treats and reverses muscle loss. It’s easy to confuse it with steroids because it binds to androgen receptors to trigger DNA changes that enhance muscle growth. However, as an SARM RAD 140 binds to the androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissues to trigger certain outcomes.

The result is the rapid development of lean muscle mass, stronger bones, and higher energy levels when working out. RAD 140 also aids in muscle recovery after rigorous training.

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What Does RAD 140 Do?

Athletes use RAD 140 to:

  • Build muscle mass
  • Cut back on fat and maintain healthy levels
  • Improve muscle recovery after training
  • Enhance endurance during intense training
  • Enhance mental and physical performance
  • Maintain a healthy body composition

RAD 140 Dosage

Exclusive doses of the rad 140 testolone are effective but it’s best to stack it with other drugs of a similar class. Bodybuilding professionals claim a concentration of 10 mg of RAD 140 can yield the desired results in an 8-week cycle.

RAD 140 Cycle

You can pair it with several combinations:

RAD 140, MK 677 (Ibutamoren) and S23

This combination of performance-enhancing drugs is ideal for professional bodybuilders looking to stretch their bulking and strength-related limits. RAD-140 enhances muscle enlargement while MK 677 prevents muscle loss, and the S23 recreates the effects of the testosterone hormone.

When used together, the three drugs deliver a plethora of results, including stronger, leaner, and bigger muscles. They must all be administered within an eight-week period in the proportions of 10 mg (RAD 140), 30 mg (MK-677), and 10 mg (S23). Bodybuilders who have used this combo claim to have added up to 22 lbs in muscle mass at the end of the cycle.

RAD and Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

The combo is best suited for beginners looking to develop leaner muscles. Both supplements are SARMs and have a high anabolic index capable of bulking on muscles. Ligandrol burns fat while RAD-140 enhances muscle building. The duration for this combination is shorter, lasting for six weeks only and the dosage remains 10 mg for each.

RAD 140 and GW 501516 (Cardarine)

RAD 140 has huge energy benefits alone but with the GW 501516, you realize great muscle stimulation and strength. This stack is useful for those who want to increase strength and endurance to perform more workouts with varying degrees of difficulty. A dosage of 10 mg of Cardarine and 5 mg of RAD 140 for eight weeks should suffice.

RAD 140 Results

When it comes to bodybuilding, other factors come into play besides supplements like the RAD 140. It’s a culmination of having a balanced diet, training, and consistency. However, your intake of RAD 140 religiously helps bulk up 3-5 kg ​​of lean muscle without jeopardizing your health. Here are other benefits you can expect when taking the supplement:

· Prevents Muscle Loss

Bulking up is one of the most tasking processes any bodybuilder performs. It is time-consuming and well-thought out processes must be taken to maintain the muscle gains. With RAD 140, maintaining muscle gains is easier because it protects muscles from wasting away.

· Strengthens Bones

Besides building muscle mass, RAD 140 contains compounds that strengthen bones. With stronger bones, you experience fewer injuries, which is particularly important for users in aggressive sports activities like bodybuilding. Severe bone injuries can put one out of training for a long period.

· Boosts Testosterone

RAD 140 increases testosterone levels, thereby increasing muscular strength, focus, sleep, and fat loss. Typically, supplements that enhance testosterone production boost bodybuilding goals.

· Enhances Fat Burning

Increased energy allows bodybuilders to perform more intense workouts, thus burning more fat. Moreover, the supplement kickstarts the body’s recomposition process, which aids in muscle building. Recomposition is the process of forming something again.

Athletes and bodybuilders prefer this method to weight loss techniques because it helps determine body changes more accurately. With body recomposition, it is easy to determine if you have gained more muscle over time. It is also one of the reasons users prefer this drug’s broad-spectrum nature. By increasing metabolism and stimulating muscle production, the body has no choice but to burn excess fat.

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RAD 140 Before and After

RAD 140 has reputable results among athletes, bodybuilders, and dieters. In fact, it has gained heaps of praise over its bulking and fat-cutting properties from the fitness community. Fitness enthusiasts know how difficult it is to bulk up after losing weight. Often, bodybuilders hit a plateau after fat loss, hardly gaining any muscle mass even after performing intense workouts for a long time.

However, R 140 breaks the plateaus, allowing bodybuilding to gain noteworthy muscle mass within a short period. You might not notice significant changes within the first 2-3 weeks but by the fourth week, your endurance increases.

Lifting normal weights becomes more manageable and you will likely add a few extra reps. At the end of the week 7 and 8 your body should be strong enough to lift more weights, eg, add 5-10 kgs to the bar. What’s more, the drug helps maintain muscle gains. The fact that it enhances performance without causing complications (eg bloating or shrinking testicles) associated with regular performance-enhancing supplements makes RAD 140 a great all-round drug.

RAD 140 Side Effects

RAD 140 does not have severe side effects like other anabolic steroids. However, some people experience:

  • Nausea
  • Acne
  • Headache
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Hair loss
  • Thinning hair

Where to Buy RAD 140

Since the FDA has not approved RAD 140 for human consumption yet, the drug is only accessible online. Like most SARMs, RAD 140 is not available in the US market. That is why you must buy SARM from reliable suppliers, eg, those with a Certificate of Analysis.

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Is RAD Safe?

Although the FDA has not authorized RAD 140 for human consumption it is a better anabolic steroid compared to previous offerings. Users find the muscle gains better, stable, and more consistent. In addition, the loss of body fat is apparent within the first few weeks. However, lack of FDA approval means it can only be purchased for research purposes, like animal experimentation; not human consumption.

When to Take RAD 140?

The best time to take RAD 140 is in the morning, 10-15 minutes before breakfast to allow absorption.

Does RAD 140 increase testosterone?

Besides its muscle-building and fat-burning properties, RAD 140 acts as a testosterone booster. It increases the testosterone in the blood.

Does RAD 140 Burn Fat?

RAD 140 aids fat burning. Its chemical structure increases metabolism, which causes fat burning. Some people confess to burning 17% of body fat after only one RAD cycle. Moreover, muscle building goes hand in hand with fat burning.

Final Words

RAD 140 is clearly great at building muscles, burning fat, and maintaining muscle gains. However, you cannot wholly rely on the drug to enjoy all such benefits, you must put in the work, stick to a balanced diet, and get adequate sleep. RAD 140 only supplements your efforts.

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