Greekgodx shocks xQc with hot take about medicine and fitness


Greekgodx went on another rant on xQc’s recent stream. This time, his point in the debate was to not trust doctors and medicine. The British streamer has been under a lot of scrutiny from the public lately with his controversial comments on the moon landing, flat-earth conspiracies and alleged misogynist rants.

His recent Twitch ban did not help the situation, although for a completely different reason, many have wondered whether he intentionally baits people for drama. Today he came on xQc’s stream as he wanted to talk about how the Canadian was apparently “baiting chat” by reacting to a video about anti-vaxxers on YouTube.

“What are your readings?” – xQc asks Greekgodx about his medical records after the latter showed skepticism regarding modern medicine

Greek is a known anti-vaxxer and has publicly shamed those who have taken the covid vaccine by calling them sheep. His outlandish claims have drawn the ire of many, including political commentator HasanAbi, who severely castigated Greek for his comments.

On today’s stream, Felix “xQc” got into a heated argument with Greekgodx about the role of modern medicine and heartrate. Greek, a known medical skeptic, refused to believe that doctors administer proper medicine. According to him, the same people who put unhealthy things in food are the ones who want people to go to the doctor:

“People create the problem, and also create the solution. That’s the same as health. They give you bull *** t to feed into your system which lowers your testosterone, makes sick, makes low energy. Then they are like, ‘Oh “Well come to the doctors and we can give stuff to help fix you.”

Felix hit back, saying people must choose to believe professionals who have spent years learning medicine and honing their skills as doctors:

“You choose people to believe in, right? They went to school and studied. And went through all the bull ****. Or believe a random guy on Facebook.”

The debate got more heated as both parties started getting frustrated with each other. After a long discussion about how staying healthy inherently makes people better and happier, Greek ended up declaring that he is better off without medicine. So, xQc overtly asked him for his medical readings:

“What are your readings when you go to the doctor?

This is when Greekgodx revealed shocking information:

“I do not go to the doctors because I am healthy and have no health problems.”

xQc gasped:

“Oh my brother, what the f ***?”

His point being, physical fitness does not mean a person should not get regular checkups. Greek, however, made a sarcastic comment:

“It’s that crazy? I exercise and I eat right and I don’t need to go to the doctors? It’s crazy right? Holy sh **! I blew his mind.”

X then went on to talk about how the healthiest people in the world go to the doctors, and brought up an interesting point. He asked Greek how he would understand something was wrong with his body internally. The latter did not really have a good answer and just said:

“If I get cancer tomorrow and I die, I can atleast say to myself, ‘Well, f ** k it mate. I lived every day healthy, happy and did everything the best I can … I can atleast say I did everything I can to prevent cancer. ‘”

Reactions to Greekgodx’s take

Chat was enjoying the heated debate, spamming laughing emotes to express themselves. Some thought Greek’s take was dumb:

Chat reacting to the incident (Image via xqc / Twitch)
Chat reacting to the incident (Image via xqc / Twitch)

LSF had many takes on the issue, mostly about how much anti-science and into conspiracy theories Greekgodx has gotten. Some wondered how common regular checkups were, and if xQc was justified in his arguments:

Greekgodx has been getting a lot of flak for dabbling in conspiracy theories. In a recent stream with Asmongold, Greek accused him of being a “globetard” for believing in a spherical earth.

Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul


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